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Posts posted by SamBuca

  1. 15 minutes ago, clarkete said:

    So on that basis you disagree with the States which forbid all exceptions and you can understand why the 1.5% would feel oppressed by this decision? 

    (1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and 0.5% do so because of incest, according to the Guttmacher Institute) 

    My position is yes - I disagree with these states.

    Let's assume the 630,000 abortions reported to the CDC in 2019 is the actual number. That's around 9450 women who (may) need access to abortion as a result of rape/incest.

    If these women are spread evenly across the 52 states and that there are 13 states which have currently banned without exception.

    That's 2362 women who won't be able to get an abortion in their state due to rape/incest.

    (PS, those Guttmacher Institute figures are thought to be over-inflated by a factor of 3, potentially reducing this number to 787.)

    Regardless of the accuracy of these figures, I support these women.

    The one's who account for the other > 620,000 , not so much.




  2. 27 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

    okay - correct...

    Let a couple of females give you some advice instead 🙂 



    Thanks Barry.

    I was walking to work this morning, listening to Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, (excellently read by Richard Armitage by the way) delivering me pearls of wisdom such as

    "Your soul takes on the colour of your thoughts"


    "The only thing that isn’t worthless: to live this life out truthfully and rightly. And be patient with those who don’t"

    I suppose I've been looking in the wrong places for wisdom and should seek insight from cultural lyricists, Allen and Rodrigo.

    "Fuck you. Fuck you very very mu - uh -uch"


    I'll clear my bookshelves.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

    A termination is a complex multi layer decision which is best taken between a doctor and the person who is pregnant and any other third party that person choose to involve.

    I mean forcing a women to give birth to their rapists baby or give birth to a child which we know will kill them or have an extremely low quality of life are just very extreme examples of why we need to fight extremists like you.

    You are allowed your view and you should exercise them in your own life and leave other the fuck alone.

    Thanks for your opinion Barry. I'm assuming you are a male and I'm glad you feel able to express it. 

    I'm of the opinion that abortions should be safe, legal and rare. Rape incest and protecting the life of the mother are my exceptions, although there are some amazing souls out there who are the 'product' of rape, living amazing lives who would beg to differ. Rape is cited as a reason for abortion in around 1% of cases. some statistics have it as low as 0.5%

    The rest -  people ought to take responsibility in the first place, not use it as a monstrous late birth control method. Life is sacred.

    If you that makes me an extremist in your mind, then I suppose I'm an extremist in your mind. Anyway, that's all I'll say on the matter.

    Have a pleasant day.

  4. 9 hours ago, Levitz said:

    Yes. Passing it to states was the end game. Dickhead.

    ‘screeching and wailing’ to have autonomy over your own body. Fuck. Right. Off. 



    They are screeching and wailing for the rights of unborn babies not to be pulled apart with medical instruments - what's not to like? They are fighting for life, not death.

    Some states may ban abortion, some states will keep definitely keep abortion.

    When I carried my twins, I never once considered that they were 'my body', but two separate entities and my role became to protect and nourish them for 9 months (well, it was just over 7 in the end) 

    We have lost our way.






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  5. 12 minutes ago, FuzzyDunlop said:

    Protesting about the festival bringing up politics & "virtue signalling" when it was literally called Glastonbury CND Festival at one point, seems a bit odd.

    It was also called Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts at one point.

    I don't get your point, sorry.


    Perhaps they should rename it Glastonbury-Festival-of-Performing-Arts-and-whatever-the-current-"Thing"-trending-on-Twitter-is-that-we'll-all-forget-about-when-the-next-thing-comes-along.

    I dunno, it's just my controversial Glastonbury opinion which I thought I'd jot down in the controversial Glastonbury opinions thread.


  6. While I expect some, there was far too much virtue-signalling political bullshit for me - you want to get away and escape this crap, but it's everywhere.

    Greta? How dare you?

    Zelensky? Western puppet president, corrupt to the core, has literal Nazi elements fighting for Ukraine

    Roe v Wade? the most mis-represented decision ever. IT HASN'T BANNED ABORTION. IT HAS PASSED THE DECISION DOWN TO THE (ELECTED) STATE LEVEL. The screeching, wailing tantrums across several stages were pathetic.




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  7. At this present moment in time it isn't a worthless bit of paper - it's worth at the very least £185. I'm not trying to be a dick but I reckon if the OP wants a ticket he should be prepared to pay the full price for it up front. Anybody who sells the ticket to the OP on the OPs terms is a fool.

    If I was in the OPs position I would be very happy to pay the face value for the ticket and be happy in the knowledge I wasn't paying more for it. To ask to pay half now and then the rest if he doesn't get turned away is taking the piss.

  8. How would the seller know if you'd got into the festival or not?

    It's not like throwing a sickie and then having to remember not to talk about any of your Glastonbury experiences for the remainder of the tme you work there - the seller will never see you again.

    Anyone getting into this has to just think of it as a chance to get half their money back. If anything else happens that will be a nice Glastonbury surprise that will encourage them to think "next year I'm going no matter who's playing because Glastonbury is full of lovely fluffy people".

    I think it's OK for anyone who doesn't go into it expecting the second half of the deal to happen - i'm not saying it won't - because I know Glastonbury is full of lovely fluffy people - just don't expect it and then theres no disappointment!

  9. Ok, I accept the element of risk, but risk makes life fun.

    Is there anyone (male aged 25-45) who cannot go to the festival and is unable to get a refund?

    I'll buy your ticket for full price (half up front, half subject to succesful entry) and pay £100 to a charity of your choice should my entry be succesful.

    Let's deal quickly - if you are fatter than me it gives me a few weeks to bulk up, thinner than me then i'll get my ass down the gym!



  10. To be honest I couldn't care less about U2. When weighing up the options to stay in Berlin for a week or go to Glasto I've decided on the former.

    Guess I'll just have to find a lookalike.

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