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Posts posted by Alking

  1. Is there a reason why auto refreshed page brings up old coach sold out page and the one without auto brings up the general admission holding page? 

  2. Just me and the other half and lots of devices…. We don’t know anyone else willing to sacrifice their Sunday lie in the help the cause! Baffled how people are so lucky year after year but good on them! Last year we broke our curse after 9 years! No luck this year but you just never know on the resales 🙏 

  3. Gutted to have missed out on joining in on the group. Desperately seeking 2 tickets Again! Will be keeping my eyes peeled here for any tips from the seasoned professionals 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

    Is it wrong to be more worried about the garden than Glastonbury at this stage ? 


    It’s a beautiful garden but yes! You’ve got your priorities wrong! 

    been lurking for a while on this thread but enjoying the ups and downs. Feeling the pressure and praying that the sun will shine on the farm. My first festival in 9 years and he last was a bit of a washout! 

  5. It’s probably been mentioned already but where does everyone recommend to park up the night before gates open? I’m sure I saw someone on here recommending a park up/ campsite to help with a swift entry when gates open. 


  6. 21 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

    if its them they need to work on their announcement technique 

    Agree. That’s my main sticking point. I’d absolutely love them to but surely they would have been firmly told to keep it shtum? 

  7. 14 minutes ago, august1 said:

    I feel like Elton is going to overshadow this years legend with the fancy dress and expectations building up like Macca/Stones

    Unless it’s the spice girls… then I reckon the union jacks and baby’s pigtails with give reg’s specs a run for their money! 

  8. 1 minute ago, Gnomicide said:

    I really do wish they'd fuck off. Every bloody interview they bring up Glastonbury then finally admit they've never been asked, let's hope it stays that way.

    Wow, you’re a grumpy gnome this afternoon! 😂

  9. Fair to say, Reg is really not my bag at all!! That being said, I do appreciate his status. He’s regarded by many as a legend and being his last UK gig of his last ever tour, that’s pretty profound I reckon. I’m sure the pyramid will be electric ️ I’ll either soak up that energy and appreciate the moment… or bog off to one of the other 100 stages. Either way I’m only more exited about Glasto this morning! 

  10. 29 minutes ago, clarkete said:

    This year will be my 38th and I think They're no less worthy of a ticket than an old git like me (except for those weirdos who sit in a motor home watching it on telly). 


    This comment tickled me, I have in the past been that weirdo watching from the motorhome and I was lucky enough to get tickets this year and may just do the same again. Along side much much more of course!! but attending with kids, for me, means a slightly different way to do the festival.
    If your lucky enough to go to Glastonbury multiple times, you naturally take on an evolution… from the mad pyramid and days and pulling all nighters in Arcadia to the more chilled vibe that the green & healing fields can offer. I shall be spending most of my time this year in the more chilled areas and the kids field. That’s the place I’m at now but it hasn’t always been! The main issue is once you’ve been, you’ve caught the bug and will forever be chasing down a golden ticket! 

  11. Very premature with this question but how strict are they with the rules on the size of the Motorhomes? Ours is 8.1m and wondering if we’d get away with being in the east campsite rather than opting for B&W. I know just getting tickets at this stage is wishful thinking!! But any insight would be appreciated 

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