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Posts posted by ThursdaysRbest

  1. Hey Blackhole,

    Don't let what your mate chooses to believe get to you - go and enjoy! We've all got our little quirks; the bottom line is that good mates usually know when to shut up or simply f*ck off though sometimes they need a little hint :(

    Glasto is full of all sorts of people - never been anywhere like it - you get as much out of the experience as you are prepared to put into it. This includes being sociable, friendly, considerate and respectful of others; though this seems to be getting harder for some people, especially as the density of bodies increases.

    Hope you have a great time


  2. Hmmmm, just checked a few random countdown timers I found lurking around on the interwebthingy and they came up with answers various between 333 and 335 days !!! However, a quicky bit of noddy editing and tweaking to a chunk of javascript that I shamelessly borrowed from somewhere donkey's years ago says the answer is 333 and a bit days from right now. A bit of messing around also indicates that not only is the leap year taken into account but so would the change to/from BST and GMT if that was applicable :P

    So there you go, clicky this jolly fine linky for the 'official' timer ... unless you know different and can prove it of course :D

    [geek mode]

    Can anyone confirm actually beyond doubt that the Javascript function 'getTime' (number of milliseconds since 1st Jan 1970) does indeed take leap years into account as I suspect it does ?

    [/geek mode]

    PS: Any bijou bugettes in said code are most likely entirely due to consumption of the sponsor's jolly fine green bottles of pear based beverage rather than gross stupidity of course drunk.gif ... hic, I too could be an astronaut with NASA :)

  3. BBC Bristol ran a report on points west last week, showing the site being set up and an interview with ME:


    There are all the other BBC News archive stories anbout the festival too... including last years floods etc

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