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Posts posted by SpiralGirl

  1. Memory's not what it was, but off the top of my head...
    Leonard Cohen, Pyramid 2008.  Still the greatest.
    Chic, West Holts 2013.  Nile Rogers was so thrilled to be there and the whole crowd singing Get Lucky to him at the end was just sublime.

    Stones, Pyramid 2013.  Happiest most excited crowd I've seen.

    Patti Smith, Pyramid 2015.  Toasting the Dalai Lama with a can of beer was quite surreal.

    Pixies, Other Stage 2014.  I know it probably wasn't one of their best, but it was the first time I'd seen them and I loved it!

  2. Feel your pain rp.  My best advise is to do lots of walking, stops you seizing up.  In fact a week wandering around a massive field somewhere in Somerset will do you the world of good :-)

  3. New Order - 132 
    LCD Soundsystem - 132
    Underworld – 80 
    James Blake –  66
    Earth Wind and Fire -  95
    Sigur Ros - 126
    M83 - 50 
    Richard Hawley - 102 
    Philip Glass Heroes Symphony - 32
    Grimes - 120
    John Lees’ Barclay James Harvest – 61
    Treacherous Orchestra - 50
    Proteje - 40 (-5)

  4. Stood in front of one during Muse the other year.  The lad was on his mate's shoulders, completely off his face on something.  Felt the sparks on my neck, and my friend's coat ended up with a burn in it.  Nothing brilliant about that in my view :-/

  5. 12 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    yep ... there was someone in the efests chatroom that told me a few minutes after start time that See had cocked things up and he'd got his tickets that way ... I pretty much ignored him for ten minutes, but then became convinced that see had cocked it up, so went back and quizzed him some more, checked out what he said stood up and wasn't a fraud of some kind, and then  publicised it here.

    I later found out that See were scratching their heads wondering why no one was buying, when suddenly a flood of sales came thru from those who'd edited their hosts file .... which completely confused them, and caused them to take longer to find what the issue was.

    It was fixed about an hour into the sale, I think, and in that time it was an easy buy for anyone who used that route.

    Bossman at See (who I'd been chatty with via email and occasionally phone before then) went absolutely mental at me for telling my users but not telling him, and he hasn't spoken to me again. :(


    You made a lot of us very happy that year!  Sorry HolySeeMan didn't see it that way...  There must have been a lot more computer geeks at the festival that year, we may not be cool but we know how to edit host files :-)

  6. After the initial 'meh' (which happens every year), I'm pretty pleased with what's been announced - some lovely surprises (Sigur Ros, Ronnie Spector, Beck, EW&F), not tooo fussed by the headliners, but at Glasto that is usually a good thing.  Which stage do people think Underworld will be on?  Headlining the Other?

  7. 1 minute ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    Wow, your first post ever was as a GOLD member.  That has to be a first. 

    Welcome to eFestivals!

    Ha ha, thanks Stuart.  It's taken me a lot of years to be brave enough to post .... think this was a good reason :-)

  8. Time to emerge from the shadows....  Have just paid my Gold Membership - well done Neil and everyone else, you do a great job.  Hope you can afford to continue for many years to come....

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