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Jane masefield

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Posts posted by Jane masefield

  1. Fingers crossed for Monday guys !!! Think I'm resigning myself to a full weekend in the world some where else but Glastonbury this June  ticketless and gutted but nit till long till oct sales xx

  2. 1 minute ago, Lala1978 said:

    Ha ha - I was thinking the exact opposite, if I don't get tickets I'll be off this thread like a flash, I won't be able to cope!

    Oh yes until the event starts I will be in mourning!! 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    I tried to add some humour to this thread earlier as it is stressful waiting and someone gave me two downvotes (I had upvotes too). I have no idea why the person called sime did this but if I annoyed them I am sorry.

    Just trying to relax the tension.

    Hope it wasn't me I'm new to posting and thought your post was funny so clicked the green up one ??? 

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