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Posts posted by Mark_safc

  1. People are clutching at straws suggesting that Glasto / See should cancel any tickets using hacks / bots. They have sent out confirmation emails to these people. Cancelling the tickets would be horrendous publicity. It's not their fault that See tickets has back door links etc. 

    It does however give substance to people's argument for some kind of fair ballot where each group of 6 people would have a fair / equal chance of securing tickets. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    I don't *think* so (emphasis on think).  Isn't their some logic in the postcode field to remove spaces?


    I'm not sure. I know that one year I got through I copied and pasted in details and was getting the error. Then I typed them all manually rather than pasting and it worked. I assumed that it must have been a problem like this. I was pasting from a word doc rather than Excel.

  3. 3 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    The rogue postcode error isn't new for this year. Seems to crop up every time.


     Is the rogue postcode not caused where people are cut and pasting and there is an extra space after the post code? 

  4. 36 minutes ago, uscore said:

    I think everyone would be a bit more accepting/understanding of the delay if See/Glastonbury just admitted there had been some kind of database failure,  rather than suggesting it's because some people hadn't met the deadline to confirm their registration was valid. 

    If people had missed the deadline then it's their fault and I shouldn't have to rearrange work/holidays/nights out/whatever because of them.   If See/Glastonbury had lost people's registrations, then it's fair to move it.

    Exactly this. The ambiguous way they have worded it means that some people might still see the communications and think that they have already confirmed their registration / details back in Sept and that others have just forgotten to do it. 

    Would probably be better all round for SeeTickets just to employ some extra staff and put a communication out for everyone to re-register. Then from this point onwards just do a new registration each year to avoid any confusion.

  5. 5 minutes ago, goonerben said:

    People WERE asked to check again - an email on 17th Oct, a tweet on 30th Oct, and the ticket page has said for the last month that people should check!

    If you were asked to confirm your registration and check it again and you did it all at the first time of asking... then why should you be expected to check it again each time they tweet or email a reminder? That's just nonsense. Once you have followed their instructions and done what they asked then it is reasonable to expect that it has been done correctly.

  6. 1 minute ago, sam1981 said:

    Out of interest, is that a pre-2020 reg or newer? 

    My pre-2020s we're working a few days ago, but today the link doesn't work. 

    Same for me. I had a pre 2020 reg. Updated my photo and confirmed it. Also Looked it up and viewed it a couple of times after I updated it around a month ago. When I look it up today, I get an email back with the link, but the link doesn't work to look it up or delete it.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, 09matthewsw said:

    Ridiculous that’s there people on here who still make out that the festival is 10x / 20x oversubscribed when they’ve been able to get tickets year after year after year. The festival demand is a lot lower than people believe and it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the festival were slightly concerned it might not sale out immediately. 

    well out of the last 8 sales / resales I have been able to secure a ticket in one of them. This is with a group of 6 people trying. It will 100% sell out, this has nothing to do with any worries about it not selling out.

  8. Surely if they know that their systems have deleted registrations by accident then they should be explicitly clear about the issue in their communications. The statements they have put out infer that people thought they had confirmed their registrations but later found out they weren't registered. 

    Some people will still think they have registered properly and if theirs has been deleted then they will still be disappointed in 2 weeks time.

    I uploaded a new photo and confirmed my reg, got all of the emails and was able to look it up and view it. I have done the same today and I get the email saying 'the following reg is valid' but when I click the link, I can't seem to view or delete it. Is this just because the registration is closed? Usually you can at least view the registration.

  9. 7 minutes ago, LinvoyPrimus said:

    I guess another thing to factor in here is... assuming them or Arctic Monkeys are the early John Peel slot, that's a pretty risky bit of booking for a band that size.

    The Killers clashed with Barry Gibb (ish) and Chic. Massive crowd-pleasing Pyramid bookings. And Haim on the Other.

    Right now, that John Peel TBC is up against Herbie Hancock, Liane La Havas, Nightmares on Wax, and Warmduscher. Potential chaos if a headliner-sized act gets chucked on then.

    Herbie Hancock will pull a big crowd. I want to see him but this JP slot could potentially pull me away depending on who it is.

  10. 1 minute ago, incident said:

    I'm usually quick to call out the impatient petulantance (see: various lineup threads), but in this specific instance I think it's fair enough.

    A lot of people are going to be travelling from somewhere not within easy distance of their home. They might need to plan trains/coaches/lifts to the coach location, and in quite a few cases need to know whether they need to book a hotel or not.

    Fully agree that people need to know as soon as possible...but they stated in the original email that coach times would be emailed no later than 30 days prior. 

    They area matter of hours late up to now. It's highly likely to come at some point today. 

  11. Half of the people on this thread must be the people that call the pizza shop 31 mins after ordering to check where their delivery is when they were told it would be half an hour.

    Have some patience...it will be very soon no doubt and still more than enough time to make plans.

  12. 7 minutes ago, gigpusher said:

    I guarantee you half of UK artists are not Tories. I actually think if we were to ban artists who support Boris Johnson you wouldn't find it would change that much at all. 

    Guaranteed based on what? There's a very large amount of successful artists come from the middle and upper classes...they are hardly going to have voted for Jeremy Corbyn are they? 

    Boris might not be their favourite type of person in the world but a lot would still support him in a vote.

  13. 18 minutes ago, TheDayman said:

    You're missing the point.

    If she is Pro-Russian state, Pro-Putin and whatever else goes with that, imo she shouldn't be given a platform at Glastonbury because it's in direct contradiction with the festivals ethos.

    It's like saying it's fine to have Jars Bolsonaro on the Other Stage when you've got David Attenborough speaking at the Pyramid.


    So what? As long as she isn't out in public speaking about support for invading Ukraine then her views shouldn't come into it at all. 

  14. 1 minute ago, FatAmmy said:

    If any artists are German taxpayers, they're funding putin via the purchase of Russian oil....how far we wanna take this?

    We sell weapons to Saudi Arabia that they use to bomb kids in Yemen. Should every Boris Johnson supporter also be banned from performing at the festival? 

    The world is an awful place to live in...and the majority of those in power are hypocrits. It's stupid to start suggesting that people shouldn't play a festival because they support the country they were born in or their leader.

    • Upvote 2
  15. Yes 100% she should be booked. Her political views should not be taken into account at all. 

    World politics are very complicated and in the west we only hear / see the propaganda churned out by our media. Couldn't give a toss whether she is a Putin supporter or not...she is a talented DJ and no doubt her set at Arcadia will be great.

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  16. Two experiences spring to mind...we usually always go hell for leather. One yea we burnt out by the Sunday so we only had say 2/3 drinks all day...ruined. After Mumford and Sons on the pyramid we decided it would be best to head off and fet back to our own beds. Was a nightmare journey...7 hours to the NE...nearly crashed several times because whoever was driving kept nodding off. Will never do that again...

    Only time I've drank in moderation and not taken any drugs was when I went with one of my exes. On the plus side remembered everything...but this was outweighed by the severe lack of sleep and how tired I got. Figured you have to get mashed at Glastonbury otherwise the 5 days is a long slog.

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