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Posts posted by scott1977

  1. I’d be really interested too, I don’t often write on here that often anymore as life’s got I the way, but check in daily.  Been a member since 2005. I’d be looking for help for 3 of us, any help would be appreciated.

  2. So regarding the generic email response, does that mean 3 days before the start of the festival or 3 days before the gates open on Wednesday???

    I’m getting very worried, I’ve emailed 3 times now with no response over the past week.

    We were hoping to leave by Tuesday. If it doesn’t arrive by Tuesday can this be sorted at the gate with the confirmation email?


  3. Hi, My tip is… As veterans since 2002, for years and for years never learnt and used every mobility contraption known to man in order to shift all our equipment from the carpark to which ever field we stopped at, sack barrows/skates complete waste of time Then I had an Epiphany, Invest in a wheelie bin (about £50, or ring the council said it got nicked - make sure you hide yours🤫)  There super sturdy, i’ve used the same one now for 15 years now at still going strong, wheels still going strong you get loads in it if packed correctly. Doesn’t matter if it’s raining everything remains dry, easy to manoeuvre and robust to hell regardless if ground is wet or dry. Then whilst at camp use it as a bin to keep site clean and leave no trace.

    not sure if you can take it on a NE coach but can’t see why not takes up the same room as stashing all your belongings in the hold.

    I hope to see an army of wheelie bins next month making there pilgrimage from the car park to the campsite, and I promise u if you follow this lead all you hear on your travels is “Bloody hell that a great idea, why didn’t we think of that, you to can be equally as smug as I’ve been for all these years” apart from this year we’re in CV 🤪

  4. Does anyone think the 9.45 closing could be a ploy for a secret Libertines gig, pre hyde park the following week??? A lot of the bands at Glasto are on the bill for the barclaycard summertime as the did last year ' Rolling stones etc' but note Libs aren't playing anywhere pre gigg

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