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Posts posted by ellaboz

  1. Nah they're way too far down the pop band route to ever be in consideration for R+L or Glasto.

    You used to be better than this.


    "too far down the pop route" really? this year we had Bastille, who's far more pop than they are. I'd rather they didn't show up on the bill, definitely not fond of them at all but it's seeming more and more likely.

    All I'm saying, is that I said the same thing about All Time Low last year and here we are.

  2. is anyone else thinking 5SOS? As much as I dislike them, they seem pretty likely for a headliner. They've got a new album just out, the hype surrounding them is absolutely massive and they're DESPERATE to be taken seriously as a "punk"/"alternative" band, surely R&L would help with their "we play pop music but we're not a pop band!! we're so punk!!!" image. Plus, they've done basically no festivals since exploding onto the scene, R&L seems like the place to start before moving onto the likes of V and Glasto? 

    My only other predictions (considering nothing but the fact they'll have new material and there's a lack of summer touring schedule) are Tonight Alive, The 1975 and State Champs. 

  3. Nah it's not like that, it's just 'more relaxed' in the sense that you won't have people setting fire to your belongings on the Sunday night :P

    Truth be told there are always dickheads in every campsite - you just have to ignore them. Everyone likes to get drunk and have a laugh, so you'll have a good time wherever really. Just sounds like you want to avoid white and brown.

    Campfires are fine up until about 7 on Sunday night when a kid with a backpack and shitty hose comes round to put them out.

    That's good to hear! Think we'll just camp in the best spot we find when we arrive. Do you think its still okay to get an early bird pass off of getmein or the like? As in, it won't be dodgy or anything?? Only one of us already has the early bird pass and it'd be a bit shit to send her up there on her own. (Unless you think it's okay to arrive on the Thursday in which case we'll all go up then. Are all the good spots gone by Thursday morning?)

  4. i hope "a bit more relaxed" doesn't mean families in camper vans! we're all there to get ridiculously drunk and have a laugh anyway. 16 year olds on ket could be pretty funny.. maybe we'll go ket-kid spotting in other camps. we're all prone to wandering.

    also is anyone sure what the policies are for camp fires and that? i think i heard they were banned. could be getting confused with leeds though... i have no fucking idea what im talking about, as you can probably tell

  5. So, basically.. me and a few friends are heading to Reading this year (2 of us festival virgins, one reading goer and a frequent download attendee) and were wondering where to camp. I've seen tons of these forum posts but not one with actually useful updated advice, they're all from 09 - 11 and obviously, crowds change and different people attend every year. What were the camps like last year (2014)? Rowdiness etc?

    We wanted to be fairly near the arena to avoid a trek and near to the entrance to also avoid more trekking. The one of us who's been to reading before says she frequents orange and purple and also yellow is good. She didnt give many reasons. When I suggested green she just said "green is gross". Does anyone know why green is gross?

    A few of us are going early bird to pitch the tents so I think yellow sounds best (as I've heard they have a silent disco. I could be wrong, though.)

    Any opinions on camps and advice and whatever from reading veterans would be lovely! We're all there for a party and arent too bothered about all that "getting some shut eye" mallarkey, ut you know.. don't really want to be fearing for our lives, either.

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