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Posts posted by chrismac1986

  1. Hmmm, not sure if I agree with the term selfish. Its fair to say that the vast vast majority of parents want to give their children the absolute most they possibly can to ensure they have the most well rounded and enriched life. I think calling that selfishness is a little unfair.

    with regards to pumping more money in to it, I don't see why that should be the case if I'm honest, not in the modern world. Other state sector employees don't get half financial rewards some teachers get, and certainly don't get the holiday entitlement. Nurses being a great example. Why in a world where every tax penny counts are we not getting full value from the teaching industry. For me its an outdated sense of entitlement.


    with regards to the wider impact, I understand your point. That said, people can and will catch up. I am the only person in my work who does my job, and during my holidays, the work doesn't stop coming in. However my employer knows ill get straight and they will benefit from me being refreshed and reengaged.

    we all know sometimes kids get disengaged with studies, or they certainly did when I was at school, and there's plenty of studies out there showing the value of family time, holidays and god knows what else. If I were a teacher, id much rather little jimmy take a break with his family that his parents have grafted for and have him happy, fulfilled and engaged in life.

    with that, I guess it can also teach kids values displayed by their parents by working hard, saving towards something and getting the reward of, for example a holiday.

    I must make it clear that I do agree that good attendance is really import and, and that kids are on course for good grades. But really if a kid has say, 95%+ attendance, and are successful in their studies (a potential indicator of good parenting), then it is punitive to prevent them from having 1 week off a year.

    finally, surely this punitive law only breeds the negative value of dishonesty in encouraging parents and children to fake illness for example?

    I just think sensibility need be applied

  2. one point I think often gets overlooked in this debate is that, if successful education is so reliant on time spent in school, why do we still live in a world where schools have, what 12-14 weeks holiday a year?

    why do schools finish at three but give an hour or so of homework each day? Surely it would be better for the child to do this work with a highly qualified teacher on hand to answer any questions and give guidance, rather than an unqualified parent?

    if time in school is THAT important, lets cut school holidays to four weeks a year and bank holidays? Let's even just halve the 12-14 weeks to six or seven. I'm sure this would get huge buy in from government, Ofsted, councils and teachers alike given they regard time in school so highly.

    if one week off has such a dramatic impact on success, what is the difference between a child who has 5 days off on holiday, or 5 days sickness. Of course the reason to take the days are different, but are we saying a bout of tonsillitis can destroy a Childs future?

    finally, a colleague of mine has a child who plays cricket at county level, and another who's child plays junior football for a premier league club. Both are given weekly time out of school and instead of being told of the dangers the school not only agrees but supports it and applauds it...how strange.

    I don't have a child of school age so the above is not driven by personal hatred to the law, just pointing out its obvious flaws

  3. This is my fifth Glastonbury and i've never gotten round to doing this. A couple of questions if you will?


    A) Is it any good?

    B) Am I right in saying that it is in the Park;

    C) Is it open on Wednesday, and until what time?

    D) Does it get packed out and what time is best to go to get in.




  4. I've pulled a mega shift today so that i could take tomorrow as a days holiday so i've been unable to come on here today. Could someone be kind enough to give me a brief summary of how the weather has unfolded over the last 15 hours or so to save me trawling through all the pages?

  5. My Weather Live ap is generally pretty good and showing dry weds and Thurs but 70%, 40%, and 70% chance of rain Friday Saturday Sunday respectively. The problem is doesn't say how much rain, just the likelihood

  6. No you fuckin dickhead, its nothing to do with wanting a rock band, its down to what him and his slag of a wife represent, celebrity culture and the allure of being famous and rich, if you cannot understand how this is destroying the world we live in you are a thick twat and should stick to watching towie, the kardashians, shaving your chest and getting a false tan.

    Wow, that escalated quickly. I wonder which acts are acceptable for us to be excited about?


    From Kanye's set at Powerhouse 2015
    10. Jesus Walks
    11. Touch the Sky
    12. All of the Lights
    13. Good Life
    14. Gold Digger
    15. Through the Wire
    16. All Falls Down
    17. Runaway
    18. Only One




    Just watching that now on YouTube, great run of songs

    • Upvote 1
  8. My wife wears Hunters because she has hip displacement from two complicated pregnancies, Hunters have a wider fitting and a more cushioned sole, her legs don't hurt as much so she has a more enjoyable festival. But you'd probably take one look at her and think she was a twat. Don't judge a book by its cover !

    I'll remove my foot from my mouth :(

    But I'm sire you'll agree the exception rather than the rule in her case

  9. Because its the single biggest sign of consumerist idiocy on earth.

    Man walks in to shop, Mr Wyndsor offers him two pieces of vacuum formes rubber for £8, Mr Hunter offers an almost identical two pieces of vacuum formed rubber, in the same size and colour, but with a1inch red and white sticker on and says mine are £70. Man chooses the latter....crazy

  10. What has happened to us the last few years is arriving at peak times (7-9am on the Weds), they tend to be sending everyone into the Pink car parks as it is a left turn off the road and they don't need to wait for oncoming traffic to stop to get people into them. Last year they were filling both at once when the traffic lights allowed people to turn right across the road.

    You can get from the pink car parks to Gate A on foot after you cross the road, look out for a left turn across a bridge and follow the signs. Its not even really alonger wlak than to gate D

    this is really helpful thanks

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