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Posts posted by ChewingChewingGum

  1. I'm looking at tomorrow's headlines.  The Suns is particularly crass but all have the same and correct conclusion. A 28 year old man having sexual relations with a minor is a peodophile.  John Peel was a peodophile. He had admitted to sexual relations with underage girls himself. so why is this almost laughed off. He is still revered within BBC circles, name checked daily on 6 Music and has a stage named after him at Glastonbury, why? Ah, Sure it was a different time. She probably wanted it!

    Bollocks! He was a peodophile and it is a disgrace his named is still so revered.

  2. You can do whatever you please but just be aware it's people like you that have made the festival shitter.


    I've been going since 1997, hiring campervans since about 2008.  This year was the best year I had, if it is getting 'shitter' for you that must suck.  It's just as good, if not better for me!

  3. I saw lots of girls standing on the long drops shitting everywhere but in the hole.  I didn't approach them though because boys in the UK are generally taught not to confront shitting ladies with their fannies out!  I did however video them on my mobile phone because this totally normal behaviour!?!?


    "This year I went for recording them (and their delightfully exposed genitalia) on my mobile phone"


    Seriously, what the fuck is going on here? The only decent point is those caught pissing in the hedges should be stripped of wrsitands

  4. 1 of my favourite ever bands & love the fact they're on that early, will start my day off perfectly

    THIS ^

    Cracking start to the festival. So many good songs, I've been intermittently humming the riff of Another Number since Tuesday

  5. Gruff's solo stage persona as some sort of bumbling stoner, constantly pausing and scratching his head, must surely be an act. I refuse to believe he's that confused a man.

    I've always thought he struggles slightly with the English language, in that the pauses are due to him thinking what he wants to say in Welsh before translating.

  6. Hat's off to the Clashfinder people - it's a fantastic job and they keep up with technology.

    It would have been easy to have built it and left it but every year there are huge improvements - brilliant.

    (I'm a web dev and know how tough this stuff is).

    I do hope enough people, who can afford it, buy him a paypal pint to say thanks.

    Hear Hear! Plus you get to see what percentage of people have highlighted a particular act.

    Moaning about the Clashfinder......real first world problems right there.

  7. I think the 22:30/23:00 start time is the Glade 'Headline' slot. Although A DJ usually closes the stage into the early hours. Jon Hopkins was around that time last year, despite clashing with all the other Saturday headliners it was still pretty busy. I suspect PSB will be rammed, though with the visuals it will be an amazing performance in an amazing setting.

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