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Posts posted by NorthernSoutherner

  1. On 4 January 2016 at 7:41 PM, ashtaylor1 said:

    Hi guys.

    I know this question may sound crazy as personal preference will be the ultimate answer to this, but how much would you recommend taking to Glastonbury?

    Maybe someone being able to price up the average meal (Let's assume you purchase breakfast, lunch & tea from vendors for 5 days) as well as maybe giving me an idea of how much beers cost? I understand you can bring your own ale in which would be cheaper, but wanted to get a view on cost of beers if bought from a bar as well.

    If say someone could give me some historical spend for previous Glastonbury festivals, this can give me a starting point.

    Apologies for what may sound like a stupid question, however just trying to budget (Tight times!) 




    I spent around £90 (I was there Thurs-Mon). I brought my own my own alcohol, so the money was mainly spent on food, cold mixers and the odd cider or wine. 

    I expected to spend more so was pleasantly surprised.



  2. On 9 January 2016 at 10:55 PM, AdamWillingham said:

    Thank you very much for all your advice. I would love the freedom side of being able to see who I wanted to see and do what I wanted to do. But I really think I would find it too lonely. I don't really drink or take drugs so I'm considered quite boring by most people at festivals. And going without my girlfriend is just going to be plain strange. She will probably also be going but with some other people and seeing her there will not make for a fun weekend. (I now await for someone to jump in and tell me to grow up and not let my ex ruin glastonbury for me) 

    Hi, went for the first time last year and camped with the solo group, it was defo one of the best experiences I've ever had. It was nice to have people hang out with, while not feeling obligated to do so.

    There was a wide range of people in the group (age, interests, drinking limits) ha!

    Also I'd say the chances of bumping into your ex are very slim, the place is HUGE!


  3. How about having a meet up in London before the journey?


    I think this is a great idea, for any London-based people would you be up for meeting in Soho one evening in early May for a couple of drinks?

    A friend of a friend made an excellent guide for first-timers last year, I'd be happy to pass it on to anyone who's interested. He recommends camping in Pennards Hill, I have no idea where that is having never been though!

    Jo x

    I think this is a good idea too, and I would be up for a London pre-Glasto catchup.

    Your friend's first-timers guide sounds great Jo!


  4. Hey Holly,

    Relieved to see this! I am a 28 yr old girl, professional marketer, whose friends have also backed out / can't afford. Coming from London. I'd love to chat. I'm totally normal and really excited about going (but a bit nervous being on my own!!)

    Lu x


    I'll be travelling there from London too, (35, female) I haven't yet booked my travel yet...

    It would be great to travel there with some others if there are a few travelling on the same day.

  5. Thank you

    So re the lock ups, do I need to book in advance? and when I get one is it mine for the whole festival or do you take your stuff out daily and then get a new lockup?

    Thanks for the tent advice, I may need to set up a new question just to talk about tents, i.e. one with pegs on that just 'pops up'. So much think about!

    I'm sure it will all be worth it though!

  6. Hello

    I will be tagging along with a friend of friends. Not quite alone, but not with people I know very well.

    I'd be happy to meet with other people too.

    I was worried about being on my own for some of the time and was going to forgo my ticket, but everyone I spoke to told me I would regret it if I didn't go.

    So now I'm excited and looking forward to my first time camping (yikes), and my first festival :girldance::yahoo:.


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