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Posts posted by COPG

  1. The National - England

    Future Islands - Seasons (has there ever been a more bizarrely charismatic front man)

    Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees



    maybe a special mention for the Smyths Panic , just for a nice "hang Theresa" singalong 

  2. 26 minutes ago, simian_mobile_mushrooms said:

    Foos seem a bit of a strange one really. I agree, I should like them too, given the genre. I like Royal Blood, I like QOTSA, I like RHCPs and the like, but Foos........ they're just so samey, their songs imo go at one speed. Sure they've got some exceptions but on the whole I guess I find them quite boring. Maybe as a result of nice guy Grohl's influence on their 'nice' rock? Depending on who else is on, I'll prob catch the start of their set just for a half hour/45 mins then see the Jacksons. Come with us if you like :D

    That's my plan!!! I'll meet you by the flag

  3. 2 minutes ago, FloorFiller said:

    They're almost definitely gonna be playing for at least 2 and a half hours I'd have thought - it's pretty much the norm for them and what with Dave's little '3 hour' comment I can't see them doing any less than that. What you consider 'the big ones' may differ to others though - they're gonna play a few album tracks, sure, but I can't imagine you'll ever be two or three songs away from a huge hit, 'cause they have a lot of them. Playing some shows before Glastonbury which will be a good (if not identical) indicator of what they'll play.

    I suspect you're right ,but that does mean missing a sub and a headliner somewhere else and no casual fans enjoy a 3 hour set of a band they're not that into.


  4. Foo Fighters will either go one way or the other, I'm judging it  on their time slot.

    Two and a half hours: Massive gaps between the big ones and I'll soon lose interest
    Ninety  minutes: If they do a "best of" set it would be epic  

  5. I get that I'm in the minority on this, but to me there's an awful lot I wouldn't mind seeing but not a lot I'm excited about seeing

    It seems weak outside the top 6 , I couldn't even pick who'd be subbing the other stage from the poster

  6. I stayed for the entirety of the Glasto set, including the god awful bit with the Lebanese blokes banging about, and would say that the last 10 minutes was pretty good and by that point you could pretty much walk up to the front if you wanted too, I always think of Damon seeming to plead with the crowd at one point, i think he knew it had gone a bit bit tits up.

    I still think they'd make an absolutely cracking sub though, shorter time, play the hits without the extended intros and you've got a really memorable set.

  7. 9 minutes ago, thewayiam said:

    You are missing the issue with this being that finding someone bigger this year is going to take some doing....the one option just done it lol.

    Is big-ness the only thing that counts towards the headline decision?

  8. I was chatting to a security card one night years ago and he told me it was his job to check all the tents for bodies after the festival, he seemed to think they found at least one a year.


    I think he might have been telling me porkies though

  9. 2 hours ago, eFestivals said:

    Hard one to judge, I think. It would depend on his ego.

    But, if I had to take a punt, I'd say he's smart enough to realise that his appeal isn't what it was 20 years ago, so would probably take a lower slot. 

    Tho I can't think he'd go third from top, and I find it just about impossible to see him playing before any of the three expected headliners.

    Depends on the ego of someone who wrote

    I love my life
    I am powerful
    I am beautiful
    I am free
    I love my life
    I am wonderful
    I am magical
    I am me
    I love my life

  10. 2 hours ago, ConorC said:

    Why do people think Kanye's performance was so poor?

    Admittedly I was watching on TV - But from what I saw he reeled off a monster setlist to what sounded like brilliant crowd feedback. Sounded like a lot of the crowd knew every word to every song. All I was thinking watching it was "I'd kill to be there".

    I had a great time at Kanye, opening and closing 30 mins were great, the middle bit was pretty dull though.

  11. On 12/30/2016 at 7:04 PM, BlackHole2006 said:

    Does anyone else get weird, trippy dreams after they've been to Glasto? I guess it's down to the amount of beer I consume over the weekend and general lack of sleep.

    Anyway the night after Glastonbury, I dreamt that I was awake and there were loads of colours and bright lights all around my room. Then a horrible looking mans face appeared and I woke up with a cold sweat. Couldn't get back to sleep after that. 

    Ohhh yes,


    Including waking up shouting on the national express home once, sat next to a stranger too, which i'm sure was a treat for them

  12. 3 hours ago, Zac Quinn said:

    It's not.. people are welcome to like whoever they like.. it's just when said people start going on as if they're leagues better than any of the 100's of identical bands they happen to have outlasted, which has only happened because of where they've come from.

    Just a sense of realism and level-headedness would be nice. I've got some right critically-speaking dirge in my record collection because I too like what I like - but (at least as I've got older) I've realised that going around claiming it's Bowie levels of groundbreaking or what-have-you just makes me look daft .

    Come on, I don't particularly like them, but out of that post Libertines/Arctic Monkeys indie scene they are probably the most successful, unless you put Kasabian in that bracket. It's not because where they're from, all of those bands have received enormous home town support, The Enemy Sold out the Ricoh twice remember.


    The difference is they're music is better and speaks to more people




  13. 2 hours ago, The Nal said:

    Yeah makes a big difference where you are obviously. I was a bit down the back so the atmos was a bit flat.

    But are acts who pulled relatively few punters in asked to headline again?

    Definitely, I'd imagine if you're at the back for any band it's because you're not that keen, so all your going to be surrounded by are other people who aren't that keen either.

    I was about a quarter of the way back with lots of people who loved them and had a great time, I've listened to the recording of that gig a fair few times too and the crowd do sound in to it

    • Upvote 1
  14. 1 minute ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    There's a strong case for that bit where they go "John was a scientist, he was hooked on LSD" being the worst piece of audio captured since Edison invented the phonograph.

    Much as I don't like Kasabian, you'd be hard pushed to find any artist without an equally terrible lyric!

    "If love is good ,Let's get to rammin" - Prince

    " true love lives, on lollipops and crisps" - Radiohead

  15. Is Sheeran really big enough to be headlining?

    I get that he's sold out Wembley and got some big-ish sales (by modern standards) but every other time it's been a pop headliner it's been an act who are worldwide mega stars like Kanye, Adele or Beyonce. 

    Surely he'd be more of a sub?

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