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Posts posted by NEMESIS

  1. Its a pity that Download, cant be a bit more like Glasto and allow punters to take in their own beer, I'm sure Download organisers would argue that it would have an impact on their beer tent takings, but I think if Glasto can do it and they still have a good profit on beer, it can be done at other festivals.


  2. Hi Efesters,

    I was just wondering what ideas and suggestions people have that would make Download Festival better.

    This is one of my favourite festivals and even though I adore it, I think there are a few slight improvements that would make it more pleasant. I must point out that I dont want different band suggestions as that could be argued for years. Just to get the ball rolling here are a few of my suggestions that I have noticed over the years....

    1. More water refill facilities (sso that when its baking hot, you dont have to keep remortgaging the home to pay for water from the stalls)

    2. Stop setting up one way routes for fans walking to and from main stage to smaller stage (I think it was last year when I tried going back the way I came to be informed that I needed to go the other way as it had all of a sudden become a one way system half way through the weekend)

    Anyway lets see what other suggestions come up....



  3. I thought that Melvin Benn was so hacked of with their lack lustre performance a few years back they would not be asked back !

    I watched 10 mins of em then wandered off to see The View , so that confirms his opinions !



    Sorry, i didnt see that a thread had already been started, yes rhcp were missing that spark a few years ago...



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