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Posts posted by MikeEssex85

  1. Went to Download festival last weekend which was good fun - got some recommendations from a couple of mates who are more clocked on with the heavier scene than me nowadays - So on my list to see at Glastonbury are:

    The Hu 

    Nova Twins - good at Download

    Elvana - this shouldn’t work yet amazingly does, such a fun set at Download 

    Kid Kapichi - excellent at Download


    Empire State Bastards 

    Obviously a lot of other standard rock acts planning to see - Guns & Roses, The Hives, Courteeners, Royal Blood, Arctic Monkeys, Editors, Manic Street Preachers, QOTSA, etc

  2. Just watched this set on Iplayer - what a crazy fun happy 90 minutes - just madness, loved it!

    I like the idea of blowing most of your pyro / production budget on the 1st song rather than the last, just doing it the wrong way round just for a laugh:lol: My mate turned up at the end of the 1st song and immediately thought he had missed the whole show!

  3. About 2pm Tuesday - Meet my mate in Bracknell, he will drive us to Glastonbury town centre, meet our other mates who have driven down from up North in the 'Who'd A Thought It' pub. Have a nice meal and couple of cold beers. Head to our hotel (The Pecking Mill Inn) which is literally 5 minutes drive from Gate C, amazingly cheap rooms, a hidden gem! Have a few drinks in the bar, head to bed at about 11/12, up at 6am - into Gate C and hopefully our group will have our tents up in Kidney Mead and relaxing by about 9am like last year. Have a few Jagers to toast the start of the fun!

  4. Nice Setlist above there FloorFiller. 

    Seen the Foo's 3 times including their best ever gig at the MK Bowl (in my opinion)

    Songs that I really like and they are certain to play:

    Everlong, Learn to Fly, My Hero, Monkey Wrench, Run (great new single!), Walk


    Songs that I am not that fussed about yet most likely they will play:

    Anything from Sonic Highways - likely Congregation, Cold Day in the Sun, Best of You


    Songs I wish they would play, yet no chance in hell they will :( unfortunately:

    Come Back, Disenchanted Lullaby, Exhausted, End Over End, Stacked Actors, M.I.A, Wind Up


    Still looking forward to seeing them, they always deliver as a live act!!

  5. A few people put QOTSA albums 'Rated R' and 'Songs for the Deaf' which do both have amazing 3 songs to start off, yet personally I prefer the 3 from their 1st Self Titled album 'Queens of the Stone Age' 

    Regular John


    If Only

    They blow you away and tell you everything you need to know about this band - It's gonna be 1 hell of a ride!

  6. for some reason I came accross this video whilst listening to some Foo's tonight

    How crazy would it be if they opened Glastonbury with 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' :lol: Field would go Insane!

    I know that's extremely unlikely yet I do think they are going to do something special this year and surprise us. This Glastobury gig has had a long build up with the cancellation the other year, so I reckon they will really pull out all the stops! (although saying that i doubt they will beat their Milton Keynes Bowl show which is up there with my favourite gigs ever but you never know) 

    • Upvote 1
  7. I saw a really cool band called 'The Elephant Sessions' last year at 12noon on Sunday morning, I was pretty exhausted and hungover and they got me pumped again for the final day. Shame they ain't playing again this year.

    They play a music genre that is called 'Trad' like traditional Celtic Music but mix other sounds and can really speed it up. The tent was loving is. 

    Anyone know anyone/bands on this years poster that have a similar sound? Cheers! 

    ps. The Saw Doctors would be amazing!

  8. would certainly watch them if they were added - although would definitely hope to hear more from their 1st 3 albums or at the very least play Decode

  9. On 4/17/2017 at 0:50 PM, waterfalls212434 said:

    second that, my first one and I think thats one reason it made such a good impression, good memories of my first time sat on park hill looking at the view taking it all in in the beautiful sunshine over the site....again? yes please!

    2013 was my 1st one also, was awesome being up at the top of the Glasto sign looking down at the whole festival with mid / late 20s Sunshine, glorious! 2014 was'nt too bad. Missed tickets in 2015, back again for the mud bath last year. The weather wasn't that bad during the festival last year, just the ground got too much of a soaking in the weeks leading up to the event. 

  10. Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - How did I miss these guys - great heavy sound, like a mix of Slaves, QOTSA, Arctic Monkeys and Royal Blood - Highly recommend - will be one in the JP Tent i would think and will sound great live

    The National - another one of those bands I thought I had no idea who they were or any of there songs then after doing a bit of research and good listening, they have lots of tracks I recognize and lots of ones that I never heard which are great (standouts being Start A War, Bloodbuzz Ohio and About Today yet lots more to listen to) 

  11. Never heard of Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes - Just listened to about 6 of their songs - Great recommendation mate!:D

    Instantly like them. Gotta love this site for learning about bands you didn't know. 

  12. Just give me 2013 weather again please and I will be extremely grateful. A shower on Thursday night and that was about it, rest of the weekend was nice and warm without being 2010 boiling and you could pretty much walk around in Trainers all weekend! Perfect!

  13. I like the new track (listen to it a few times and a real grower) and personally was a fan of 'Where are you now' - so glad that's on the new album - 2 out of 2 for me. Seen them Live twice and enjoyed both times so definitely on my to see list this year. 

  14. its a shame that metal / heavy rock is so poorly represented in general, it has improved the last few years but seriously surely they could stick just 2 or 3 more on, they don't even have to be the biggest bands. There have been large crowds for pretty much all the metal acts they have put on the last few years so i think the demand is there.

    Bring Me The Horizon was one of my highlights last year (and I am not even a massive fan) yet thought they were very impressive, maybe the setting sunshine and me being right down the front enhanced the experience. Was Great seeing Motorhead, especially since Lemmy has sadly passed away. Saw Enter Shikari couple years ago when they headlined the John Peel tent, again one of my highlights. 

    The strong rumour is Green Day are playing, which would be good, seen them live a couple times before and they always deliver.

    My biggest hope for this year would be QOTSA as I have never seen them live and I didn't get tickets for 2011 so missed them. 

    Also Give me any of this lot please: Rammstein, Biffy Clyro, Bloodhound Gang, Death from Above 1979, Deftones, The Hives, Jimmy Eat World, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, The Offspring, Paramore, SOAD, Weezer.....ps. I know even getting 1 of these would be a result:lol:

  15. I missed them in 2015 as they clashed with Motorhead and at the time I thought I had to see Motorhead as doubted I would get chance to see them again (Lemmy died not long after sadly) Although I made the right choice to see Motorhead, I was still gutted at missing RTJ so hoping they play this year and they will take priority! Love RTJ3 by the way although RTJ2 is slightly bettter, still both are fantastic!

  16. It was my third Glastonbury, the other two being 2013 and 2015 and I would say it was the worse one yet I still enjoyed it a lot.

    We stayed in a hotel near the site Tuesday night so we drove in and were camped in less than 2 hours Wednesday so was lucky to miss the journeys from Hell that we heard a lot of people had. Like most, the mud was generally just a pain and by Sunday I was pretty much destroyed as I tried to still walk about as much as I had done in previous years.The weather during the festival wasn't that bad yet the mud was just relentless. The Line up was only okay also, with a few exceptions. A random band called 'The Elephant Sessions' on Sunday in the Avalon Tent was a surprising highlight and spurred me on to finish Sunday being positive. 

    For me 2013 was my 1st and it was so absolutely Brilliant that I doubt I will ever beat that week - It had good weather, great line up, big group of mates. 2015 was also very good and I knew the layout of the site much better.

    Still 2016 still gets a decent 7/10. Got tickets for 2017 so hopefully it will be a Vintage one, got a good group of mates going again which is promising. 

  17. On 18/04/2016 at 11:36 AM, 6t6o6m said:

    Sempiternal is a great album.

    I still can't see a linkin park comparison. More of a Soil / Drowing Pool in my opinion.

    There is a Linkin Park feel to the new album in places, when I first heard 'Throne' on the radio I actually thought it was Linkin Park (well the early 2000's Linkin Park anyway)

  18. I saw BMTH at Reading festival last year for the 1st time and I thought they were quite good, got me in a good mood heading into Metallica who were even better. I never heard much of their old stuff yet thought Sempiternal was a great album, highlights include Sleepwalking, Shadow Moses & Can You feel my heart. 

    If they are clashing with Coldplay then I will be at the Other Stage watching them for one. 

  19. Personally i'm cool with them playing their new stuff (well some of it) but come on Muse, you can't not be playing Plug in Baby at Glastonbury!

  20. Newham Generals & Logan Sama were fantastic last year when I saw them at the Blues stage. I liked Kanye's set although it could have been better, still I did enjoy it. Skepta was great too and I will definitely try see him again this year, be interesting to see what venue he is put in. One of my biggest regrets was not being able to watch Run The Jewels yet it clashed with Motorhead who I really wanted to see and in a way I was glad I did as Lemmy passed away only a couple months ago. Watched the Run The Jewels set online and it looked amazing, with the sun setting and everyone in the crowd were really into it. Luckily they are playing this year at Lovebox festival so I have a chance to see them!B)

    This year will definitely try see Stormzy and Skepta. Like that Lady Leshurr recommendation too, will try see her. Saw Kano live in London last month, he is very good live, be good if he was announced. 

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