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Posts posted by Brunette

  1. Just popped in to say hello after the usual lurking again... lots of laughter at your chats ( especially yours Yog... good luck with the art submissions!) but boy I'm sad no G this year reading all the posts especially as I've just stocked up on sloe gin and it reminds me of the farm. Wild and beastly in the Nottinghamshire countryside now but braving it to head out to Rock City later to take the 14 year old son to his first gig, PSB. 

    Stay safe all in the gales. :(

  2. On 13/09/2017 at 8:03 PM, dizzymoo said:

    No pressure at all H,  the important thing is that you're married by the end of the day.  To Yeti, obvs  :)

    Greetings lovelies,  hope you're all calm and recovered from rum/gin/wine tasting/festival shenanigans.  I am happily in a routine of getting up early (never thought I'd write that) and waving youngest off to the school bus.  A week into yr 12 and it's going better than I dared hope;  he seems to have found a niche with similarly nerdy friends,  and is genuinely enjoying 6th form.  He's even added another subject (having sworn he wouldn't do 4).  After the isolation of the last couple of years it's amazing how good the prospect of parents' evenings feels. 

    I'm so impressed by what EMDR therapy has done for my son I'm looking into doing some training so I can offer it to my clients, and free of charge to other students who are struggling with school.  I can never adequately repay my colleague who provided free, life-changing therapy,  but I can try to pay it forward.

    I think I need to be checking into this therapy for my 14 year old son if it's been so fab for him. Great news! 

  3. Thank god indeed for copious amounts of gin and NZ wine tonight as this week has been a bugger and no drinking during the week has left me gagging.

    I saw Mick H back in the 90's and he was ok ish... my 94 was blighted with being a very young mother with two children under 2 and doing my degree and part time work to survive..love how you thought she was Fearne!!! 

  4. Mmm diets...

    I just need to cut out the gin and wine or better still and much more fun is to cut out the food totally and replace with said gin and wine. 

    I've enrolled on a HIIT course at my gym next week but it's on aThursday night which is the new Friday night which is a wine night so all I'll be thinking about is my first glass of wine. 

    Eat less and healthy and move more... or just drink more and don't care :D

  5. 21 minutes ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

    I tried a morphine patch not so long ago and was very dissapointed as I couldn't discern any difference from before and after taking it. Quite dissapointing as I was hoping for a valium like experience.

    Hello Brunette. Hope that you have a lovely time with your son. You certainly seem to have all the ingredients in place.

    Except in would seem the suitable contents in my medicine cabinet Mr Yog!!! 

  6. Sending virtual hugs and get well wishes to those of you with poorliness, exploding sound systems and suffering the wrath of 'family'..haven't seen my brother for years and Mum and Dad ignore the fact and talk about him to me like we're still happy siblings. 

    Good weekend here as my eldest son is home from Berlin to stay in Sheffield with me for a couple of days so much beer, wine, (and sloe gin shots) will be consumed along with the curries. Just missing Mr B who has to stay home down in Notts looking after our 4 woofers who aren't allowed in my little pad up here. 

    Happy weekend all.. especially those of you on the Boots concoctions:)

  7. Most of your patrons from what has been said so far will be at G too so not a problem for a single June weekend anyway?! I love the Lakes and have always visited every Feb half term.. we will definitely be making a booking and I'm a dab hand with a paint brush so will pay the going rate and we will both lend a hand too.. what an adventure!!! 

  8. Belated happy Christmas wishes all and hope this Boxing Day finds you all full and beyond merry. Listening to George Micheal tributes on Radio 2... still days left of 2016 so hoping there's no more. What a bloody awful year. 

    Baileys, wine and Gin time coming up right now in that order, after hours spent driving the kids up and down over the last two days I deserve it! 

    Trying to persuade Mr B to do a HMV and Y and bugger off into the wilderness with me and the woofers. 

  9. Weekend at last and time to recharge the batteries... at least it's only insomnia and not a major case of lurgy, splutters and snuffles... hope those of you suffering with ills and stresses get to enjoy the weekend too... planning on an afternoon nap already as well as a few / lots of lunchtime drinks before the Christmas madness really gets going :wacko:

  10. 4 hours ago, MilkyJoe said:

    Thank you Babylon sister, it feels better to know that I have company and I'm not the only one wallowing in self pity today. We will get there though I'm sure. Keep your head up and roll on April. It sure is going to be a long 6 months but I refuse to go awol from these boards like I did last year.

    Happy to help in resales... no giving up allowed!!!! 

  11. I enjoy the buzz of T day even though I'm scared of not getting tickets.. Just managed to get straight on the booking page on Thurs and luckily peeps I was trying for tickets for had already been allocated... Just hope the luck holds out tomorrow for us all!!!


    Thank you everyone who's trying. Let's all go get them.. Eek! 

  12. Just now, Quark said:

    That's a quality way to end the year! Been to Amsterdam 4 times (I know, surprising right? ;) ) and have to say it's probably my favourite city break. I've done it as family trips and coffee shop tours, and however you do it it's just wonderful.

    I would definitely recommend hiring bikes, takes some getting used to but it's such a good way of seeing the city. The riverboat tours are a bit cheesy but worth doing. And I cannot recommend this bar enough


    Huge gatefold menu of beers, open till 3ish and playing classic/80s rock. Love it. About 20 minute walk from Dam Square.

    Depending on where you are with the coffee shops, this one's probably my favourite. Generally a bit quieter and more chilled out than a lot of them.


    In general I'd avoid bars, restaurants and coffee shops near the station and around Dam Square; just like any city's main attractions you'll get fleeced.

    As you can probably tell, I really like Amsterdam!

    I am definitely wanting to visit Amsterdam again after reading this... need to be knowing exactly where to go!!! Somehow my coffee shop tour with the girls ended up being just that.. a coffee shop tour 

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