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Posts posted by charli2000

  1. Agreed Mr Yoghurt.. While they might do that, it's a very thin thread for traders to cling to, what with his personal record and previous form, there's no incentive for traders to keep quiet.

    Some humility from Galtres could have greased the cogs.. an apology... a meet you half way deal... a free pitch for next year.. or a share of gate revenue from next year, even!

    Shows a deep lack of understanding on their part, and exposed their cruel ruthless streak as business people.

  2. So, as a trader, what IS your view about publicity?

    If Galtres were willing to communicate politely and professionally about how they could "trade their way" out of the problem using a successful 2015's proceeds, then negative press would be stupid. However, there is a clear clause in James's quite abusive email stating that they cannot use 2015 sales to cover the losses.

    What is the incentive, then, for traders to keep their traps shut? None.

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