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Posts posted by catmando

  1. I hope so. Saw them for the first time when trying to find somewhere dryish in 2016. Before I knew it 2 hours had passed. Bloody brilliant. Not really able to describe it but one of the must sees.

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  2. Stayed there last year but working with Oxfam this year.

    The hill is steep but not an issue. As people have said take your time, it's a decent surface and the views at the end are brilliant. I did have a couple of showers last year, got up at 7ish, no queue then back to sleep. Food vendors up there were ok but the fish finger sandwich guys were brill.

    Someone said it was getting bigger each year. Last year there 10,000 people up there. We were lucky getting there early afternoon on the Wednesday but there were people coming in right up to Saturday morning and I did see there were some big queues at times for toilets, coffee van and the shower queues were mahoosive.

    I thought it was an ideal route in, long drops by strummerville were good, down to the lock ups at Pennards and then you're on the railway track.


    I'd stay there again in a flash

  3. On 05/04/2017 at 5:42 PM, Funkyfairy! said:

    Won't be at Glastonbury this year :-( Sad moment, always such a giggle

    They posted a facebook post to say they won't be there


    Noooooooooooo. I've dreamt of Maureen for the last twelve months. Will have to take my affections elsewhere. 

  4. On 20 May 2016 at 0:09 PM, Michaelgball said:

    I came across this one recently.. It is by far my favourite glastonbury video.. perfectly highlights the small things that stick in my head over the years but cannot be described easily to a new person


    Love this had a huge smile on my face the whole time I was watching it

  5. Hi All,

    First post from a Glasto newbie. Have heard lots about the security lock ups and how they are a real good thing to use. What I need to know is how they actually work. What can you leave there? Are you given a key? Is there a time limit on  how long you can leave stuff? Is it safe to leave cash? Is there normally a queue?

    So many questions!!!

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