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Jon Horsley

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Status Updates posted by Jon Horsley

  1. @ChrisCalow Can you give me a quick follow so I can DM? You can unfollow after and I won't mind. Ta.

  2. @chrispople @MarinaOLoughlin Hoping for all the greatest hits: "London bias". "I can get every dish mentioned at my local cafe for 2p"

  3. @CllrYoung Ha. Chance would be etc. Good night, Cllr.

  4. @danwaddell he's friends with Ian Botham too, I believe.

  5. @freyfogle Ha ha. Love that you love the viking room. One day you'll have your own equivalent. Maybe a geocache room.

  6. @georgiecannon It's not a bad one, is it?

  7. @grahamkw Oh, thanks. I will.

  8. @Lissanharper it's just a quick thing about the charity and how it all works.

  9. @paulwhitelaw Maybe. Suspicious it's deeper than that. Not gonna argue about it, mind. Or even really think about her more than necessary.

  10. @PhilRacing God alone knows what Clinton called his.

  11. @profanityswan Is this STILL the brave knights protecting a coffee shop?

  12. Cameron calling people "bunch of" is much less bad than his government chucking them out and keeping them in detention centres for no reason

  13. Hey. Has anyone else noticed that the Labour party has issues? https://t.co/2mnjSobRAb

  14. I wonder if Nigel Farage is in a pub having a pint with normal people now the election is over? Probably, right? 'cause he's so normal?

  15. It's just a minor human struggle of a guy not enjoying his life and yet it's every bit as heartbreaking as an epic love story. (3/n)

  16. Media thinks ton of people are: "I can't make up my mind on this important policy without knowing what Boris thinks is best for his career."

  17. Oh man. FREE SPEECH x 1bn! https://t.co/FGvKTVcmda

  18. RT @AndrewBloch: Someone has uploaded Boris Johnson's post referendum speech onto Pornhub with the following title... https://t.co/zQetMqAq…

  19. RT @AndrewBloch: Someone has uploaded Boris Johnson's post referendum speech onto Pornhub with the following title... https://t.co/zQetMqAq…

  20. RT @jonforrestallan: My dream is to be famous enough to have my face circled in an old group photograph.

  21. RT @MarkReckons: I really hope that just because Cameron and Osborne are now gone the Tory election fraud thing is not soft pedalled on. We…

  22. RT @MarkReckons: The Lib Dem improvement (15% in England) will worry Tories if #toryelectionfraud allegations are proven and trigger South…

  23. RT @OliverKamm: Trump is "a maverick" says John Pilger. The anti-imperialist left & far right are increasingly tough to distinguish. https:…

  24. RT @Saptarshi_Ray: To the tedious 'media didn't cover it' types, #Guardian site currently has 7 prominent pieces on Lahore bomb, not one is…

  25. RT @sarahoconnor_: Lots of FT readers noting the juxtaposition of these two stories today... https://t.co/BSeDInvu5G

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