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Posts posted by jamiemaher

  1. I've done this three times, the first time they gave all four tickets to the lead booker (though this occasion was back in '08). The last two years they've asked for individuals tickets and ID. They were very strict as well. This was travelling from London, if that helps at all.

  2. Due to a small travel issue I now have a spare ticket from Victoria to Glastonbury on Thursday morning. I bought it for £45 but will send the e-ticket to anyone that needs it for free. It you want to put a few quid towards WaterAid then that would be all I asked for. 


    Any by takers it anyone that knows anyone that is in difficulty getting to Glastonbury then let me know. 

  3. does the email just go to lead booker?

    No, I'm the lead booker for my group and two others have received their tickets (with email), but I'm yet to receive my tickets. They are all earlier in the alphabet than me though and live in the same region (while I'm in Kent), so I'm not unduly worried yet. I would prefer it to arrive earlier obviously, especially as I'm out of the country for ten days before the festival. I just need to trust that the system will work....

  4. The one that I'm really gutted about that I thought was nailed on was St Paul & The Broken Bones. I had thought they'd even put on their website they were playing. They're still listed as TBC on here, any chance that they will still make it?

    As for the acts I would have just liked to have been here that could have feasibly happend;

    Tame Impala

    Taylor Swift

    Kenrick Lamar

    Also perhaps a few solo slots from the Doomtree lot. Dessa was fantastic in a recent gig.

    Will add that I am really pleased with the line-up though and this is all just nitpicking.

  5. Wilko Johnson and Akala on the Thursday is an excellent way to kick things off. Two artists I would definitely go to see during the main three days so delighted to see them on the bill early doors. If Wolf Alice do indeed play on the Thursday as well then even better.

  6. Very pleased to see him close the festival (for me at least). I was gutted when he pulled out of his Sunday headline spot on the JPT in 2005, so it's a nice booking. 2005 was the last time I went with my best friend to Glasto (I've been a few times since but that was his one and only time), so it's a nice coincidence. The 2005 booking cancellation was especially gutting as I'd been at a roundtable discussion with Emily Eavis that year and she'd asked who we would like to see play and I'd mentioned Ryan Adams.

  7. One of my best friends once decided against bringing wellies and we told him that if he didn't bring them then he'd be on his own if he got stuck in the mud. On the Friday, and once the mud had started to really churn up, we walked past the back of The Other Stage and his feet got enveloped and stuck. We all laughed while he flailed around trying to free himself, he then overexerted himself and fell forwards and both of his hands got stuck in the mud. As he called for help his glasses then fell off into the mud. It was at this moment that some random ran over to him, he exclaimed how grateful he was for the help, until he realised they had only come over to take a photograph of the idiot stuck in the mud. We did eventually help him out after a good five minutes of mocking him. He did however learn his lesson and went out and purchased wellies straight away.

    The lesson of this story is, don't trust your friends.

  8. I have had the misfortune of speaking with NE this morning who tell me the baggage allowance is ONE MEDIUM BAG + ONE HAND LUGGAGE to Glastonbury.

    This was after she told me I had to pay for additional luggage when I bought my ticket as I am traveling to an airport.

    My head hurts,

    Anyone have previous experience with NE and baggage limits?

    I will add the caveat that I've only got experience of using NE outside of travelling to festivals. But I used to get a NE coach on a semi-regular basis and would always have two large bags that went into the hold and one small bag I kept with my on the bus itself. I never had any problems, and was never asked to pay extra. Now it could be very different for Glastonbury as there will be a large number of people with large bags/tents/etc, but I can't imagine a coach driver being overly fussed with an extra bag here of there.

  9. Yeah, I'd probably think you were Will Young if I saw you at the fest and knew Will Young was playing somewhere.

    Following this, I wonder if anyone will go up to Will Young and ask if he's jamiemaher from the efests forum? :)

    That would be glorious.

  10. And I agree , you are dead ringer .................... are you gay?

    I'm not, no. And to quote Seinfeld, "Not that there's anything wrong with that".

  11. I'd want to be a celeb lookalike in order to get lucky with the ladies. I don't think being a Will Young lookalike would have that effect...


    The amusing thing is that that is the second thing people always say to me;

    Them: "You look just like Will Young"

    Me; "Thanks?"

    Them: "Are you gay?"

    Every time. Without fail.

  12. Dude, we SO need to see a photo of you now.

    I still maintain I don't look like him, this is a recent photo of myself that I have to hand (though it's not great). 10454464_635474284948_253780244123540304

  13. This one could have amusing repercussions for myself. Ever since he first appeared on Pop Idol I've had people say that I look like him. I've had loads of people ask for photos and autographs. I've had photographers follow me around the London underground. I've even had my picture in Heat Magazine twice in their 'Spotted' section where someone's taken a photo of me and they've believe it was Will Young. I've also managed to blag my fair share of free drinks by going along with it when people think I'm him. The best occasion being a time in Spain when the management staff placed a bottle of vodka on my groups table in exchange for one photo.

    If he does appear this year then I will certainly be trying my luck at getting backstage. For what it's worth I don't think I look anything like him, but I've had over ten years of it now so may as well run with it.

  14. The Barfly gig isn't actually happening. A Facebook posting from a ticketing agency stated it would be going ahead, but the Barfly manager came out on FB and said that it wasn't true. The ticketing agency then confirmed that it was a site test that accidentally posted live to FB.

  15. Though I will add in one additional thing, though it could be specific to my experience of taking my partner to Glastonbury for the first time. My girlfriend is fairly fashion conscious and decided to pick up a pair of on-brand and fashionable wellies for the festival, 'Wedge Wellies'. While they look very nice they ended up being a nightmare for her as they knackered her legs and ankles fairly quickly as they didn't give enough support and the heels constantly got stuck in the mud. So my advice to taking a partner is to make sure they take practical clothes, not just fashionable ones. Places like Glastonbury and Coechella gain reputation on the fashions worn but they are sometimes counter productive for actually enjoying yourself.

  16. I'm not in the slightest surprised. The windchill that year didn't make it cold, but it did make you think you were ok for sunburn. I was admitted to the medical tent with weeping sores on my head. I had blisters that had burst and formed a crust on my scalp. I was ordered to get a sombrero and to rub suncream all over my head.

    Never again!

    Ouch! That sounds nasty. Though, and I'm sure after 11 years (my god that makes me feel old) you can look back and laugh to a certain degree. The fact that medical advice given was to purchase a sombrero is possibly my favourite medical advice I've ever heard.

  17. Absolutely. Especially if it's windy and you don't think you need it (like 2004).

    This stuff is the dog's bollocks. Rather than being all icky on a hot day, being sprayed with this stuff is actually refreshing. Means you're more likely to keep applying it. And remember men of a certain age, spray that bald spot!


    Funnily enough 2004 was the very year that I was referring to. Amazing how such a small amount of sunburn can thoroughly effect your weekend for the worse.

  18. First: 2004- Kasabian (I think anyway, fairly sure they opened Other Stage though could be wrong)

    Last: 2012- Beyonce

    Urgh. Doesn't really make massively attractive reading.

  19. Not to go all Baz Luhrman, but 'Wear Sunscreen'. First year I went I forgot about applying suntan lotion properly and while I didn't go 'full lobster', I did manage to burn my calfs and by the time the ground had churned up and wellies became a complete necessity it became total agony to wear them as they constantly rubbed up against the burns.

    That's the main stupid mistake I've made. Though to pass on advice from others in my usual group from mistakes that they've made; don't think because it's sunny you don't need to bring wellies, don't think because it's raining you don't need to bring sunglasses, and don't think because your thirsty you need to drink a tenth pint of pear cider.

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