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Posts posted by thetechi

  1. On 7/29/2018 at 5:19 PM, alexlloyd said:

    Wouldn't normally try and plug something I'm selling on here, but the company I ordered that 2018 line up t-shirt from accidentally sent me another one while I was at the festival, so if anyone liked the design it's on eBay at the moment.

    Thanks for the opportunity mate ?
    Lucky to be in my size!

  2. 25 minutes ago, Cammers said:

    Courteeners were all fantastic. 


    Courteeners!!! Yes, the most underrated band of the whole festival. 

    Only on for 30 minutes and they brought the house down right at the beginning of the day. 

    I wish they'd been on for longer.

  3. For me, it was another truly wonderful weekend. 

    I studied festivals and have therefore been to very many inside and out of the UK and I have to say that Rock Werchter is one of the most well organised I know. Everything from the almost luxurious areas in The Hive Campsite (super efficient shower system, cooking stations, great shop/'bakery'), the best festival toilets I've ever seen, very well managed bars and food stands and generally wonderful people... I could go on.

    In terms of acts, the best crowd by any kind of margin was Franz Ferdinand, and that in turn made the whole performance brilliant for me. Other acts I loved included,  The Script, Tom Walker, QOTSA,  NGHFB, Snow Patrol and Stone Sour.
    Whilst The Killers tried hard, the whole performance was spoilt a little by the crowd. I thoroughly love the fact that everyone I have met at Werchter seems peaceful and chatty and positively subdued, but for someone like The Killers that have so many top hits, I felt a bit out of place dancing and singing quite so much. 

    I was slightly disappointed with the food offering, but as others have said, that could be just to do with the fact I've been to too many events similar to Werchter where hundreds of thousands of pounds are invested in finding the best quality and choice of food. 

    Other than that and the unnecessary crush to get in the pit for Arctic Monkeys, everything was superb. 

    Honestly, I have to say that in my opinion, the best thing about the whole weekend was.... the sound. Never before have I been to a festival where every act sounds perfect, be it in a tent, at the slope or Main Stage. I saw Fleet Foxes with my friend a few months ago and the whole thing was spoilt by the terrible sound - this more than made up for it. I would love to meet the sound provider to congratulate them. 

    With any luck the lineup will be as good as it was this and last year, if it is I will definitely be back. 

  4. 6 hours ago, lagerlout said:

    Also whoever gave the tip on the buffalo wings, good call!

    You're welcome ?

    On 7/7/2018 at 9:44 AM, Jimmerz95 said:

    Did you get it in the end? 

    Honestly Jimmerz, it's a day I'll never forget.
    Long story short: 
    - Left bag on train
    - Asked at customer services if I could get it back. They said I wouldn't get it back for two weeks after filling out a form online. 
    - Wasn't having that so got on the next train to the bag train's destination (didn't realise it would take an hour)
    - Whilst on said train, phoned every number I could find
    - Finally spoke to someone who said they had a bag matching the description but usually it would have to go to a central lost property area 
    - Got to the station - they had a bag - but it was the wrong one.
    - Phoned the number again and they had confused me for someone else.
    - I eventually got it back 20 minutes later, once they worked out who I was on the phone to and made it just in time for The Vaccines (woohoo!)

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  5. 5 hours ago, Crossfit Jesus said:

    Anyone else been hit by the NON-STG TRANS FEE and NON-STG PURCH FEE from buying food and drink tokens? Been charged an extra £8.50 because it's a foreign transaction. Bit of a joke and takes a lot of the value out of buying tokens ahead of time...

    Yeah ? It annoys me every time. 
    It's a charge from your bank though, rather than anything to do with Werchter.

    It's the downfall about going to a festival abroad, but it's still better value to buy tokens in advance, because if you get charged a transaction fee beforehand, you will when you're there too :-) 

  6. 6 hours ago, LouisRegler said:

    Looking to buy weed when i'm at RockWerchter, is there much going or is it very sparce? Would love to hook up with someone early so i can meet and exchange.

    Did this really need a new thread?

    There aren't many drugs at all, at RW but if you want it that badly I'm sure you'll find it

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  7. 1 hour ago, Will Holt said:

    also, just watching AM at TRNSMT and the crowd is mad. What do crowds tend to be like at RW?

    Now it's a weird one with Werchter crowds.

    Let's take some examples from last year. (Of course all my own opinion).

    System of a Down, completely and utterly mental. So much so that Daron said we'd been the best audience of the tour (like yeah he may say that to every crowd but they genuinely seemed thrilled with the response).

    Foo Fighters, who I expected to have a huge response and big crowd was a little underwhelming, despite being the last act of the whole festival. They usually do a massive set of bows, walk around, bow together, wave, and then go off 5 minutes later. But the band almost seemed disappointed by the crowd. Maybe it was to do with the fireworks but even so, the Werchter crowd never seemed to get into their stuff. 

    There was a noticeable difference in reaction, depending who the band is ?

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  8. 6 hours ago, Will Holt said:

    right bit of a weird one, looking at the weather forecast and me and my friends are seriously considering bringing a paddling pool to put in the middle of our tents to cool off/help shake the hangover. Reckon this would be doable?

    Whilst this would be 'do able" I have a couple of comments/questions.

    1. How would find enough water to even slightly fill it? 

    Like, even the tiny ones need 20+ litres of water. I'm not saying it's impossible but that's going to take a long time in the middle of a field. 

    2. Just be careful, if you have a gazebo as well, the 'camp rangers' were really strict last year, and asked us to move all of our tents closer together because of the lack of room. 
    I'm not entirely sure a paddling pool will be seen as 'necessary'!

    Have a good one ?

  9. Silly Question 2 - 

    What does everyone do for food at the festival? 
    Is there a specific place you religiously go?

    Admittedly Werchter is no Glastonbury in that there aren't as many acts as there are vendors but it would still be interesting to know.


    For me, the find of the festival was the chicken wing stand last year, I'm not sure what they did to them, but they were the wings of dreams.


    On the opposite side, whilst the pizza was nice, the queue was quite literally about an hour and a half long. Mental!

  10. On 6/29/2018 at 10:37 AM, visdave34 said:

    That's a positive thing, right? At least, for me it is...

    I love this about the festival. But hey, I'm an old git who just wants to enjoy the music and a couple of beers. Days of getting loaded and high are well behind me...

    Yeah 100% Visdave.

    The main thing I love about the festival is that you can enjoy the incredible lineup and atmosphere with the super chilled out crowd.

    • Upvote 2
  11. 7 hours ago, Formal123 said:

    Drug related questions **

    Ive heard it’s diffcult to find drugs at RW is that true ??

    Me and my friends are looking to get mdma / coke , how hard would it be to find people selling these?


    also, we are getting the train from Amsterdam, how strict are they when it comes to bringing weed from Amsterdam into Belgium? If I get caught with a bit will they just take it off me or will I get thrown in jail? 


    Thanks in advance! 6 days to go €!!!!!!!!

    Pretty rare mate - I was super impressed with the lack of drugs last year, I have to say!

  12. So to build hype I thought we should do some silly conversations - odd questions about the festival.

    1.  (A slight negative but positive because it means there's too much choice) What would you consider the festival's worst clash to be this year?

    For me it HAS to be George Ezra vs Kaleo. 

    Considering they're on at identical times it's a bummer for me. Especially as I was so gutted when Kaleo pulled out last year. I reckon I'm going to go for George Ezra as I probably wouldn't go and see him at his own gig but yet his popularity is still rising. Kaleo I would happily pay quite a bit to see them at their own show. 


    Your go.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, e2p2 said:

    Actually Im quite annoyed that I have to get up early to see short sets of Albert Hammond Jr.,  Courteeners, Susanne Sundfør and Gang of Youths. Good problems to have :P 

    Haha so true! 
    I'm really surprised Courteeners have such a short set actually...

    I will do a little more research before hopefully eating my words :P 

  14. I've been doing my usual study of the lineup on Clashfinder this morning. 
    And it's really interesting to compare this and last year's lineups. 

    My conclusion is that whilst there are some great headline names (as usual) the fill-in isn't to my taste, especially on Saturday and Sunday.

    This time last year I was worried that I wouldn't be able to see everyone I wanted due to clashes and would have to get there at opening as the starting acts were so good, however this year I might wander down at around 4pm, there are quite a few considerably long gaps before several clashes at the ends of the day. 

    Has anyone else found this or is it just me...?

    PS, just re-read this and I don't want to sound all negative, just voicing my thoughts - still very much excited for the festival ?

  15. 15 hours ago, Macy said:

    Does anyone know if Rock Werchter will sell out? I haven’t bought a ticket yet. 

    Yeah, it will almost certainly sell out. 

    The reaction to this years lineup has been overwhelming positive, and Saturday day has already gone.

    It was 21st march last year... I predict it could be similar this year, but a week later (considering when most people's paydays are).

    In fact, I bought my groups tickets thinking it would sell out earlier than it did, so I could say "surprise, we can still go, now give me the money" 

    But instead I'm left with "shit, I have a £900 black hole  on my credit card and can't surprise anyone yet" :lol:

  16. Although I absolutely despise the term - I just had a YOLO moment and bought my ticket :)

    After dropping all my plans for this year, under the 'too expensive' category, Werchter was the one I really, REALLY wanted to do. 

    Looking forward to potentially seeing some of you there

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  17. 7 hours ago, visdave34 said:

    Oh, I even forgot about the plastic bags...

    Yeah I actually thought that, as festival security goes, it was pretty tight. 

    Although on a couple of the days, I did think that they could have checked more thoroughly, considering the extreme length of the queues.

  18. Hey Folks,

    I too have been listening to the playlist and wonder if there's anyone specific you would recommend I listen to?

    The only thing I can say is, I love music with 'real' instruments. One of my greatest finds of 2017 was Nathaniel Rateliff. Is there anyone similar to them on the 2018 lineup?

    Then again, another one of my favourite bands is Biffy so I like the heavier stuff too.

    Loads of bands keep coming up I view as slightly 'meh' and have so far withheld buying my ticket (for reasons other than just that). 


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