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Posts posted by TomWales

  1. We saw an amazing band in the house of come ons while The Who were on but it doesnt look like anyone on the official listings.


    Saw a great band in there on the Thursday night, well, only caught one song... Gutted because they were excellent.


    I was pissed off with Townshend complaining about the sound. It was great where I was standing, amazing at times. Obviously it's different on stage, but it's a golden rule (I thought), not to highlight mistakes (musical or otherwise) as most punters won't have noticed.


    Also, I agree with this. It's best to not draw attention to it and carry on.


    Seems like the general feeling from The Who's camp is that the sound wasn't great, at least on stage.


    Sounded fine from where I was.

  3. In 2013 I heard all 3 of the headline band's crew sound checking as we were camped right on the bottom of big ground, so quite close to the stage. Could hear them every morning from my tent!


    I assume by "No Soundcheck" they mean the band themselves don't personally get a chance to hear how their monitoring setup will sound onstage.



    Most of the more seasoned festival bands just use IEMs these days. It's a lot easier than worrying about different stage setups effecting placements of monitors ect. Gives more consistency to the performers. 

  4. to me, there has never been a headline set that could better Rage Against The Machine at Reading 08 - that was just perfect. 



    I actually thought Metallica were better at the same festival (massive RATM fan too, more so than Metallica), but most of my mates disagreed. :D

  5. Honestly I feel like how packed that gets has been a bit exaggerated, I was there for Drenge and Wolf Alice and didn't find it that bad. Maybe it sucks for some people who can't deal with a bit of a squash, that's understandable but I think it was neat to see those bands playing on a smaller stage. Certainly a better atmosphere in there than I found in John Peel, imo.


    We got there for Wolf Alice about 1-2 songs in to their set and couldn't even get in the tent, and you can't hear anything properly outside.

  6. A lot of people leave early on the Sunday though, even the day ticket locals. 



    There are more people on site because of the locals, also a few food stalls close early on the Sunday.


    I'm sure it's not a big factor that some leave early, on balance there's probably the same amount of people milling about.



    I'd say Flo had a smaller crowd than the other two headliners who seemed to have a roughly similar sized crowd.

  7. The only reason I didnt enjoy it was because it was boring. So so boring. And thousands (maybe tens of thousands) felt the same as they were streaming out of the Pyramid Field as fast as they could.

    Ive never felt embarrassed for a performer like that before. It was cringing.



    The only real big exodus I noticed was after the Touch The Sky mess up. which was well over an hour in to his set.


    Before that I only noticed a small trickle of people after about 4 songs.



    Crowd felt no smaller at the end of the set than The Who's did the following night.

  8. Get some comfy insoles for my boots (or at least take the ones that I left in my wellies at home...)



    I need to do this, or get some decent walking boots.


    My feet were ruined this year.

  9. Even though he used a fair bit of backing track stuff it was cool that he used remixed different versions of a few tracks.


    And some of the instrumentation WAS live but the majority wasn't.

  10. Which is why thousands left. Also why he was a poor choice of headliner. The worst since Rod Stewart.


    Even in the recent few years we've had dross like Mumford and Kasabian which Kanye was definitely a step above.

  11. I just think he has a lot to learn about playing to a festival crowd, it was a good set for the fans.


    The start was storming I think but that section from Cold through to Blood on the Leaves killed it for a lot of the people around me.

  12. It was definitely a worthy headline slot.


    I think his biggest problem was keeping the casual/non fans interested with the minimalist stage show and lack of interaction.

  13. I was towards the left and thought the sound was very very quiet.


    A lot of the crowd seemed disinterested, which was a shame because I was enjoying it while there were just a load of miserable gits who didn't know half the songs around me. 

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