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Posts posted by downy8

  1. I know just about fuck all about the electrics in my campervan. The bloke I bought it off explained everything to me and I just nodded at him as he continued his monologue. There was something inside me that stopped me from interupting and telling him that all his talk was going in one ear and out the other.

    So, I'm in the position whereby I need somebody to explain to me what the fuck is going on in there, and what buttons and wiring and kit does what. I've had a cursory look around for someone locally who might be offering this service but have drawn a blank. I'm going to have to double my efforts on that front as it's going to be in use for 3 weeks as a honeymoon vehicle in early May.

  2. Erm, I'm a newbie too and just followed the instructions on the email they sent out a week BEFORE you could actually pay or get campervan tickets. So ample time to have been aware of what to do. And I got west tickets ten minutes after the booking opened.

    I think (though as I say I'm a newbie) you can transfer campervan field tickets as long as the person that drives it in and everyone staying in the campervan/caravan has festival tickets. The limiting thing was that you could ONLY book the campervan field tickets at the same time as paying the balance and that the tickets will be mailed together to that person doing the booking. But once you have the CV ticket it is not exclusively linked to the festival ticket it was bought with.

  3. Why a floating tent? Only a very few camping areas get very wet/muddy even in the worst weather ( not that's it's going to rain!) there may be more camper van tix available in the re- sale. I know someone who may not be going now who bought a cv field ticket.

  4. Being what would have been my first Glastonbury and having waited all this time to pay the balance, stupidly it did not cross my mind that the campervan spaces would be limited (I know what a knob). Is there any way of getting one now they have sold out?

    I have heard they are not transferabe so Ebay sounds out of the question, any ideas would be greatfully recieved.

    Many thanks Rob.

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