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Posts posted by Boopickledaddy

  1. My group were able to get tickets and I am very happy about this. I think most people on efests have groups of people trying to get tickets together, which must be an advantage over people trying on their own. Also being part of efests helps for links and other information and support.

    As already stated however its mostly luck and sometimes it doesn'f matter what you do you don't get the golden ticket. When you don't get a ticket after trying so hard, it feels very unfair.

    A lot of people on efests who missed out last year seemed to get tickets in the resales, so if you were unlucky don't lose hope.

  2. I'm very cross. Saw him in 98 (acoustic?) and Pyramid in 2010. I thought he was brilliant.

    I can't trust my own judgement any more. I really thought he was a good person. He's a c**t.

    Yeah, I saw him those two year as well. The acoustic tent in 98 was packed (it was pouring down outside) and I had happy memories of that set until the news about what he had done came out, was shocked. Glad he is locked up.

  3. I went and watched the Mothership that night, drank cider and felt like I was at a big party.

    I wasn't bothered about Kanye West playing, not into his music, but happy to be seeing a headliner on another stage. For those of us lucky enough to have Glastonbury tickets there were plenty of chances to have a good time.

    After the Mothership finished, we bumped into the crowd leaving the main stage (as Kanye had finished) and was struck by a lot of the crowd not looking very happy (with a few exceptions - there were a couple of people with big smiles on their faces). Maybe its just a different experence to a sing along headliner?

    Anyway just watched Kanye's performance on TV (I like to record all of Glasto). Thought it looked like an exciting start and it looked like he played quite a few of his hits ( even I knew a few songs). I think overall though it was a set for his fans. Kanye playing under those lights, singing mostly on his own was quite intense and there wasn't anything to look at other that Kanye ( just the way Kanye wanted it maybe). I also thought the set sagged in the middle (so did the Who's set, but I did enjoy their set a lot).

    Anyway to summarise my thoughts - there were a few mistakes, but there looked like plenty for his fans to enjoy and others who were chemically induced for a Kanye West good time ( Rusty I'm thinking of you). Glad for those of you that enjoyed it and feel sorry for those who went along hoping for a good time and were disappointed, hope some of you came over to the West Holts stage instead, there was some legendary dance moves by me ( thanks to the cider) :-) . Wish I was back there now, instead of having to go to work in a bit.

  4. Meeting a girl who I think is utterly amazing, had smelly sweaty day 4 festival sex in a crushed 2 man tent and shared a lovely romantic moment during Swoon at The Chems. I also came home with a fair amount of bruises on my neck.

    Might be getting ahead of myself after only knowing her for 6 days but I think I'd class this as a major success not just a minor one

    Must be a good sign if u were both willing to have sex that late into the festival. Festival love, nice one :-)

    My festival success was talking to Billy Bragg, who was waiting with me and my wife for his bacon and egg butty on Sunday morning.

  5. Saw Father John Misty, Mavis Staples and Super Furry Animals at the Park and thought they were all brilliant. Also saw Toy at the Crows Nest. Park stage and West Holts now my favourite stages :-)

  6. Father John Misty

    Mavis Staples

    Super Furry Animals

    Lionel Richie

    The Who

    Other highlights included -The Libertines, Courtney Barnett, The Mother ship, Billy Bragg (playing an acoustic set at the toad hall) and seeing the Dalai Lama in the Sacred Space.

  7. Stick a kinder egg in a condom and shove it up yer arse.

    Well I'm not going to be eating any discarded Kinder eggs I find around the site this year. I did wonder why Glastonbury was having a late Easter egg hunt last year and now regret eating all those melted eggs I found, oh well shit happens

  8. I will watching her on the Pyramid stage. It is a shame about the Frank Turner clash.

    I'm thinking about seeing Frank over on the left field with Billy Bragg - will they be playing music together or just talking?

    I want to get tickets for Courtneys tour later in the year as well :-)

  9. Take wellies and hopefully you won't need them. If you don't take them, you risk ending up with wet and cold feet all weekend.

    Wellies always end up killing my feet though, so have a pair of Hunter wellies for this years festival, but hope I don't need them.

  10. Could you do it in less than 30 seconds if you have 300,000 printers?

    I think it's possible, as long as you have 300,000 people to operate all the printers at the same time.

  11. I plan which bands I must see and generally stick to that (Pixies were one of my must sees last year and were a highlight).

    There are also some ares of the site I like to go to over the weekend at some point (West Holts, Entertainment fields, Green fields, Park area, Acoustic field ale bar, Avalon cafe),

    Never see all the bands I would like to (although see lots) and never get to go all the places I like (although I will have been lots of places I love and will find new places that are fun as well). Always have brilliant weekend.

    So basically I agree with you, have some plans but also see what happens.

  12. So who else is having a huge whopping drinking session tonight to help get over this result?

    Yeah, I intend to get drunk tonight . Can't believe we have another 5 years of the Tories. It's like the 80's have been forgotten :-(

  13. At least some decent music might actually emerge over the next 5 years

    Good point, some angry and passionate new bands would be something.

    Feeling really disappointed in result. In my opinion its a very bad day for the UK.

  14. Belle and Sebastian. Their website has them as Sunday and the assumption seems to be that they are headlining The Park.

    Saw them in Bristol last night, thought they were great.

  15. Just gone back a few pages and seen 'the Who is playing?' joke has already been done.

    I saw them play in the rain last time and thought they were great, but can't believe they would cancel a big show in Paris this close to June. Would be really pissed off if I had tickets to that show and they did cancel.

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