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Status Updates posted by millyman77

  1. "@BlayOfficial_ No homo but why dis nigga booty so big

  2. "@FactsOfSchool: When you wake up and your mom is already complaining /GhC0G6Xx3m" This was me just now

  3. "@trvisXX: The single is ready who ready." drop it

  4. "Lord, let me see OutKast this summer" /FWr53n1ZfZ

  5. @srowark Neuer, Can, Hummels, Kroos, Khedira, Reus, Ozil and Muller

  6. Can't wait to get back to the gym on a consistent level

  7. Come to my Dads for a nice family gathering and they got Wray & Nephew lined up

  8. Episode 9 of Thrones, always gonna be huge

  9. Gotta find the costume first

  10. https://t.co/tQRznqskgP top 5 Frank don't @ me

  11. I didn't even see the ball

  12. I just wanna feel liberated

  13. Just scanned the timeline for 5 mins and laughed at 80% of the tweets I saw that must be a record

  14. Liverpool on course to losing makes Utds situation seem a bit better

  15. Looool Chile beat Messi again it's so peak

  16. Mahrez is a genius

  17. Nah last nights game was probably the best game of the season

  18. Not worth 100m, but still a baller. Slyly gonna have to cop a #Pogba6 shirt

  19. Pedro is one of my favourite players, so underrated

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