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Posts posted by Ryan6876

  1. 2 minutes ago, hodgey123 said:

    Anyone experiencing anything similar to the below trying to access the forum on their phones on WiFi? It works on 4G and my computer is fine. Severely impacting my ability to keep up to date with the forecast! 


    YES ! Getting that pop up after about 5 seconds looking on the forum, on 4G and wifi on my phone. Computers absolutely fine though, no idea whats causing it

  2. I mean, it can literally all change in a matter of hours so there is no point even in this thread. But that stop me refreshing it every 15 minutes. Also firmly in the wanting it to be dry setting up, and anything can happen after that camp. 

  3. 1 hour ago, DefLeppard said:

    In previous years I've brought a box of cereal to Glasto and got fresh milk every morning. I won't let anything deny me my morning bran flakes... 

    Anyway, my girlfriend is coming for the first time this year and she's lactose intolerant. Wondering if places sell refrigerated dairy-free milks? (preferably oat milk but also almond, soy, rice etc.)

    I also actually now prefer oat milk with my cereal to normal milk so would also benefit from this.

    My first time so this might sound naive, but where does one get fresh milk in the mornings ?

  4. Got to say I only know 1 Faith No More song but I think it's a cracking booking at such a late stage and considering the circumstances.

    Most of festivals would just have bumped up some bands a got a few unknown smaller acts to fit the bill so restores my faith in rock werchter, fair play to them.

    So it might be short notice but where to start with Faith No More? Try my best to get into them the few days we have!

    Only other problem now is the Florence/Hot Chip clash, no idea what to do about that...


    Hot Chip 

  5. To answer your question, Yes there are a couple supermarkets within walking distance. But seeing as you are a bit of a rude mother fucker you can find out where they are on your own :)

    I asked nicely a few pages ago and no one replied. It was in jest, chill out

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