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Posts posted by Festival_Fan

  1. Minor one: Not sure if it's mentioned elsewhere but according to the new Glasto EE app the Storytellers Tent has Dynamo (magician impossible) on Sunday at 3pm.

    Well, I know it's not a big music act but thought I'd throw it in!

  2. last year was my first glastonbury and first ever festival and i loved it.

    my tips would be...

    1. use the flushable toilets at the top of big ground, nice and clean and not stinky.

    2. use the lockups.

    3. if you get a spare hour when theres nobody in particular you want to see, go and wander and just go wherever you fancy, i stumbled across loads of good things when just wandering. Thrill Collins at the bandstand, Gecko in the Avalon Cafe were 2 of my festival highlights.

    hope you get as hooked as i am.

  3. lock ups are great to act as your own type of cash machine. the queues are often non existent and even when there's a few people there they're a lot shorter than the cash machines around site.

    I put an envelope in with my weeks money in, checked it out daily took what i wanted and then checked it back in to the lock up. the staff are great and its a pleasure using there service...so remember to donate generously.

    i was amazed that they will take pretty much anything as long as it will fit in the tent. the one at the end of the field we were in had a car trailer that had been used to bring their kit onto the site.

  4. 1. Bandstand

    2. Glade

    3. Small World Solar

    4. Pyramid

    5. The Spike

    6. Hell

    7. Avalon

    8. Acoustic

    9.Sensation Seekers

    10. The Cave

    11. William's Green

    12. Fluffy Rock Café

    13. Pussy parlor nvhdshshsh whatever it's called

    14. Left Field

    15. BBC Introducing...

    16. John Peel

    17. Stonebridge Bar

    18. Avalon Cafe

    19. The front room (or some name similar to that)

    20. Other Stage

    21. The Park

    22. Tadpole Stage

    23. Croissant Neuf

    24. Bez's Acid House

    25, Cabaret Marquee

    26, Atrolabe

    27, Circus Big Top

    28, The Summer House

    29, Poetry & Words

    30, Outside Circus Stage

    31, Glade Lounge

    32. Strummerville

    33. Arcadia

    34. Rabbit Hole

    35. WOW

    36. Spirit of 71

    37. West Holts

    38. Bimble Inn

    39. Sonic Stage

    40.The Temple

    41. The Gully

    42. Pilton Palais

    43. Beat Hotel

    44. Genosys

    45. NYC Downlow

    46. The Downlow Radio (2nd stage inside NYC Downlow)

    47, Mandela Stage, (was added up ^^ there)

    48, The Rocket Lounge

    49. The Bug Stage

    50. Glasto Latino

    51. Underground Piano Bar

    52. The Heavenly Arena

    53. The Blues

    54. The Rum Shack

    55. Lizard Stage

  5. This year is my first time driving to Glastonbury and wondered whether I can choose which coloured car park I can park in or is this chosen for me (by car park sticker colour?)

    hoping to get in ped gate B so aiming for the purple car park. is this possible or is it a case of park where I'm told and walk to gate B.

  6. without doubt the worst moment of my weekend last year was listening to Nick Cave, gave it 20 minutes as he had been raved about on here then had to leave.

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