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Posts posted by AndyRaine

  1. Sorry but losing a day isn't a option! It's the best week of the year.....get there early and leave late! Enjoy every moment and make memories from the Tuesday car park party, until dancing until sunrise on Monday! All about the planning, or sick days when you get home. Glasto Blues needs a week to recover ;)

  2. Breakfast is a social event in my group as we wander to what we fancy during the day so may not catch up till morning.

    So Stove on, brew made, bacon, sausage, egg, tomato, cheese topped buns lightly toasted and we all sit, chat, laugh at the stupid stuff we did yesterday and break open the festival vodkas. Fill up showers with hot water and continue the festival vodkas while we all get ready. 

  3. 12 hours ago, carlosj said:

    Is this realistic as a mini shower for hair washing, rather than big buckets? I've seen them at garden stalls as a watering device on a standard plastic pop bottle, so it may be ok for a quick wash and easier to pack.

    Nutley's Bottle Top Waterers (Set of 4)

    One of my best buys was this shower! You realise how much a hot, powerful shower on a morning sorts you out. 100% recommend 1 of these and a popup utility tent for your camp.


  4. 19 hours ago, hfuhruhurr said:

    He said that as long as you have dry feet at some point in the day then all is good.

    Your right looking after your feet at Glasto is important! Ive learned the hard way not being able to walk by the end of my 1st fest 

    If it's a wet one I put on a pair of waterproof socks over my normal ones. It keeps the feet dry and helps stop blisters. A good walking boot, and the right supportive insoles for your feet.  I also talc socks everyday to make it dry & more comfortable. 

  5. 8 hours ago, shuttlep said:

    the girls said your shower was a life saver last year. I also heard you were having steak for breakfast., that's practically glamping my friend.


    Yeah nothing better than a hot shower and steak for breakfast! We even had ice cream on the Sunday with the Coleman Xtreme!! Ideal for Cider floats haha

  6. In addition to all the other great suggestions above these have made my ultimate list

    1. A really good pair of walking boots & insoles. The amount of walking and dancing you do you really feel the difference! 

    2. A festival trolly. B&Q £30 one has done me years and is a life saver lumping your gear to camp

    3. Portable shower.  Not the solar type, the pressurised one! Nothing better waking up after a heavy day/night in a greenhouse of a tent and having a refreshing shower! Long gone are the days of wet wipes thank god

    4. And a really good ice box! Cold cider/lager/beer for the whole festival is awesome....plus makes sure the bacon is fresh for breakfast 

    Buy quality and it lasts festival after festival! 


  7. 16 minutes ago, across97 said:

    Anyone see the two posts on instagram from radiohead. Posted a couple of pics from their 2010 Glastonbury performance. 

    Has any of the info changed or is it still Adele?

    Apologies if this has already been mentioned, my weekend so far has consisted of nothing but house of cards

    The previous posts have been about announced headliners.......here's hoping!! 


  8. 4 minutes ago, HoTWire said:

    Indeed, and Adele will be a decent alternative to that tripe ... also I expect something interesting will be on WH too.

    New Order on Other,  and Earth Wind and Fire on WH my guess. So LCD Soundsystem sub and I can go get lost somewhere early

  9. 1 minute ago, cornish hick said:

    not Foals please they are so bland.


    I know others will point about Muse being bland...

    I saw them at Leeds last year and they really have came on massively say a live band in the last year

  10. Last year I went ill, and was wiped out! Really enjoyed it but couldn't do as much as I wanted so ended up a really relaxed week!

    This year I'm going to improve fitness and lose some timber! If anything will motivate me it will be being fit and well for the best week of the year 

  11. A cracking sub can really add to a headliner performance..... And since its Muse, Adele (tbc) and Coldplay who would your ideal ones be?

    Foals > Muse

    LCD Soundsystem > Adele

    Faithless > Coldplay


  12. Coldplay were superb in 2011. And this was from someone who didn't like them until that performance! If it's anything like that it will be a great end to the festival so is a solid booking. After the messing about the festival had last year you can't blame them bringing out the bankers.

    And if you don't like....then so much more to watch and do on a Sunday evening. 

    Hoping for Radiohead announcement next....

  13. If we actually get Radiohead, Adele, Coldplay & Muse playing sets (be it headline or sub) thats a list the other UK festivals would love! Add in LCD Soundsystem, Foals, ELO and all the others rumoured with a bit of sun and a cider and 2016 sounds like a classic! And if you dont like that go wandering and explore the festival......you will still have a blast!!

    And if your still moaning after that......dont pay your balance and let someone else enjoy it all!

    peace & love

  14. Maybe Glasto HQ want a 4th headliner already signed up and playing, ready to step up If someone drops out like last year? 

    Must of been stressful after Dave snapped his leg, and the rumour Prince was meant too but didn't happen!

  15. How many times do I need to say it? The "contractual reasons" act that Emily talked about is NOT Prince. I guarantee that 100%.I also guarantee that at the beginning of this month (after the Glasto announcement), Prince was not booked nor expected to be booked ... tho a slight hope did remain. I was told this personally by Emily.It's possible he'll do Glastonbury, but it seems to be a very low chance.

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