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Posts posted by GlastoAwe

  1. 4 hours ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    In the middle of the night, well after midnight.  It's like walking through a rainbow and the queues are pretty small too.

    Is the ribbon tower open from when the gates open? I’ve always been put off by queues and too exhausted by overnight queuing but arriving in a camper on Tuesday this year so wondering if Wednesday is a good time?!?

  2. We went today - thanks for all the tips. It was amazing to walk around the farm and work out where everything was and where we’ve camped before. 

    We even saw ME who stopped to wave kindly to our kids, such a gent!

    Our daughter was dragging her feet so didn’t get all the way out to the east of the site, but as we walked up towards St Mary’s gate up Brimley lane and looking east - just wondering what the red dome rooftops were?! I don’t remember seeing them so perhaps they’re part of neighbouring land but I feel like they were somewhere just above where Williams green etc would be? Should probably have taken some  pics of them to show what I’m talking about!



  3. Thanks all, good to know they seem relatively laid back, and of course we intend to be respectful of country code etc.

    Any tips of where may be best to park? I’m really excited to explore!!

  4. We’re just off to Somerset for a weeks holiday and it’s just occurred to me that it would be great to see if we can go for a walk around the festival site if it’s posdinlr to do so. Does anyone have any information or tips on this, I can’t imagine what it will look like not set up for the festival and without huge AA signs telling you where to go and park etc!!! 

  5. Hello! You guys are in for a lot of fun! We’re going again this year with our 6 and 2 year olds, it’s our daughter’s fourth festival and our son’s second. 

    We’ve camped in Cockmill meadow before and it fills up fast once the gates open (before Midday) and is quite busy with not masses of space between tents but has a nice friendly atmosphere.If you’re looking for a more relaxed start to the festival and avoiding an overnight wait before queuing early, the other family field is a slightly longer walk away from the KidzField but has more space to camp and you could arrive later on the Wednesday. 


    The whole site is totally eye opening for adults and kids alike and I can’t recommend enough spending the rest of Wednesday and Thursday just exploring everywhere, but be prepared to walk miles!


    All the activities for kids in the kids field,circus, green kids field are free, which I love as there’s never any need to restrict them doing what they want due to cost. I’m not sure about the main craft fields, I think lots of the activities do have a contribution to the materials etc. 

    Food is expensive so as much as you can carry in the way of snacks and breakfast stuff the better.

    One tip is to make use of the free property lock ups all over the site to keep valuables safe but also, for example if you plan to stay out all day into the evening then leaving extra jumpers etc in the lock ups near where you think you’ll be to save you carrying them all day or trekking all the way back to your tent for them.

    I haven’t been to the south east corner since 2011 before we had children, which was before the one way entry and exit system was introduced, and the crowding was so insane that I’ve never dared to head there since, but maybe it’s fine - I think as suggested above, it’s parental preference. However, there’s plenty of places that you can still dance and enjoy fun after the headliners have finished all over the site, including Arcadia which is quite a spectacle to see!



  6. 19 hours ago, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

    If it’s any use to anybody regarding being in multiple groups, I got caught out by this in the main sale last time.

    Despite what the ts and cs say, the system will allow the same reg to be entered twice at the enter registration page screen and allow you both to advance to the payment screen, it is at this point that whoever physically pays first fucks the rest of the other group up.

    We had a mate in our group who was apparently unwittingly in another group as well. We both must have got the enter reg page screen at about the same time, so at this stage it didn’t flag anything up, but the other group must have managed to pay fractionally before I had the chance to. The end result was that it came up with message saying registration number xxxxx already has a ticket and you are now timed out for 10 minutes.

    basically it screwed our chances as it sold out before our registrations were unlocked again.

    I queried the situation with Glastonbury because the ts and cs state that if an attempt has been made against a registration it will warn you, in other words if you get to the enter registration page and somebody already has for one of your registrations it will tell you at that point, so you aren’t completely fucked and can just delete that reg, but that clearly isn’t the case. Their response was that funny things happen with such high volumes of traffic!

    So the long and the short of it is be very careful of people who might be in other groups.


    Interesting and also good to be aware of not just to ensure people aren’t in other groups, but also if you’re buying for multiple groups, this could set you back in proceeding to try for another group of friends once your group has successfully got there’s (as in Keithy’s simple ABC scenario above) 

  7. Just to echo earlier advice about briefing any inexperienced ticket buyers we’ll in advance of possibilities of what to expect during the process, e.g. holding screens, blank screens, getting through easily etc and what to do with any of the above so as to Limit the WhatsApp or other messages occurring during the sale which can be a distraction and an annoyance especially if you’re also trying on your phone. Ensuring that all people are organised into pre agreed groups so you can confidently proceed through inputting registrations and payment and know that the system itself should stop you at the 11th hour if a friend has already got through, rather than distracting messages about people putting in payment details etc. 

  8. Good luck and enjoy! We generally found people across site are kind and Helpful  and I imagine that if you run out of anything or forget anything, a quick plea to another parent or NCT volunteer in the kidzfield would probably sort you out.  Last time we were able to get tickets was 2014 when our daughter was nearly 2, returning this year with her nearly 5 plus our 7 month old little chappy...I'm under no illusion how much harder it's going to be with two!!!

  9. As above the NCT do baby bath time each evening (from Thursday onwards when the kidzfield opens) from memory at about 6pm, although I think they usually have a sign with details, although they're so accommodating that they would probably help you out if you need it at any other time! They also have washing up bowls and microwaves and sterilisers and a whole host of free baby stuff - nappies/wipes/creams/food etc but definitely worth bringing your own too so you're not tied to trekking back to the kidzfield when you need something, plus the kidzfield is not not open all the time, although there is a 24/7 parents welfare/help type hut at the bottom of cockmill meadow. 

    We took a bulky travel cot when our daughter was 10 months which felt reassuring when we camped in our usual spot to protect against anyone tripping on the tent etc, but when we went again the following year a ready bed (with an extra blanket as the built in one was thin) worked perfectly.

    If you have a comfy carrier, this is also a good option for getting round in the day if it gets muddy as buggys/trailers can get tough to push. We made use of various  lock ups around the site to store our buggy during the day when we weren't using it (and overnight to save wheeling it into the tent) so we didn't need to return to the tent, also packing a day and evening bag and exchanging from the lock ups early evening so we could walk around more lightly! 

  10. Just filling in an absence request form for my daughter for the Thursday, Friday and Monday. Can't decide whether to take the time to write a nice accompanying letter or not?! It won't be authorised as the Head did authorise two days off in October for a family wedding, but wonder whether it might be worth the effort given she's only in Reception so we'll hopefully be going through this for about the next 11 years (until our 6 month old finishes there!) so thinking we should put some groundwork / information in place now. Her teacher is already aware and told me she was jealous, I just can't imagine the Head will feel the same! 

    Any thoughts on what I could include or say?!

  11. 5 hours ago, siblin said:

    I would have done, but like 90% of everyone there I left as soon as she bounced on stage in disgust, so for all I know she could have pulled off her mask, revealed shes the alter-ego of Tom Jones, did an epic 3 hours set of psychedelic funk/indian sitar/krautrock/dealth metal fusion, and rounded off the set by setting off 200lbs of TNT.

    You're totally right....it's actually pretty unfair of me as I can't confirm or deny that she was the worst performance at Glastonbury as I also left, but it's got to be up there for worst/most disappointing 'surprise'!! 

  12. Genuinely surprised to see so few mentions of Ke$ha as the 'surprise' guest in the dance village on the Thursday evening back in 2011. Reminded me why I've always hated surprises.

    Lana del Ray on the pyramid, such a disappointment, but helped me finally get some sleep so I suppose I can't complain. 

    Also I just didn't get Haim on the pyramid back in 2013 or 14 (can't remember which!) not so much the music but the awful chat between songs!

  13. I went to a different festival about that far gone last year. I'm generally quite a coper but I did find it hard going, although I was already massive by then and we also had our 3 year old with us so no chance of a snooze in the shade when I needed.  I found sleeping sober in a noisy campsite the hardest part so my advice would be to be mindful of where you camp, ensuring reasonably close proximity to loos for night trips, but not too close as I found my tolerance for the usual festival smells/nasties was much lower than usual! Earplugs may also be helpful for sleeping! And perhaps suggest they trial their blow up mattress or wherever she plans to sleep beforehand to make sure she's as comfortable as possible x

  14. 4 hours ago, mungo57 said:

    Not sure yet.... me and the gf want to go but a) I am waiting for an op and don't know yet.... will have to check re: refunds and the insurance to see if that is covered if I have to jack in for the op and b ) her dad is our driver and she flatly refuses to do anything other than drive down.... no coach..... no train..... so without her dad we have no option!

    I reckon the resale will be 22nd April though so I have time to badger the old fart into one last Glasto. He's 61 and has tennis and golfers elbow in either elbow and arthritis in one knee and a cyst on the other. If I sort him half oz of Jamaican Old Holborn and shitloads of coffee I should be able to get him there one last time :P

    Not over yet..... plus he will like at least 10/15 acts on that lineup so theres at least that

    If you decide to go for it in the resale, drop me a private message as we'd be happy to try and help a fellow Hornet! 

  15. On 13/03/2017 at 8:58 AM, dj matt james said:

    as my partner was pregnant last year we missed out on the late night stuff and I didn't find it as hard as I thought. I did treat myself to one blow out at the williams green soul night on the saturday though. 

    Ah we enjoyed a night at Williams Green (or the edge of!) with our daughter asleep in her buggy, just had to reign in the drinking a little! 

  16. Just thought I'd add our experience here - couldn't agree more with those who have said it'll be different but in our experience, still wonderful taking little ones. We'll be taking our 8 month old little guy this year and I have no worries at all (comfy sling and ear defenders and we're good to go!) having previously taken our daughter at 10 months and 22 months (when she slept through the stones!) It's different but you'll see a totally different side to the festival. Sure I feel a bit jealous about missing out when our friends head to late night areas or into the heart of crowds but it's also pushed us to explore and try things we otherwise wouldn't have (like late night comedy tents etc). I would have felt really guilty leaving our daughter at that age but I don't judge those who do, and we made sure we spent time in the kids tents where there was carpet/flooring for her to crawl on - you just have to work out whatever works best for you. I am however fearful of how tough it's going to be this year with a 4 and a half year old!! 

  17. Agree as well, until we started taking our daughter (actually we stayed there in her first year) we've always camped at MM/Hawkwell - never been bothered by the late night wander back across the site and love the views of the site from there.  Oh and Lola's cafe!

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