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Posts posted by st00ka

  1. I've already posted this elsewhere.

    Myself and two mates were wandering between the different stages in the dance field when from out of nowhere we were pounced upon by about six or seven security who demanded to search our bags becuase we had been reported as "acting suspicious". When we asked them to define "acting suspicious" they couldn't come up with an answer neither could they when asked who had reported us. They then accused us of dealing and wanted to look in our bags, I know that they are not allowed to do that and considered telling them that I would only let them search my bag with a police officer present but figured I'd just be wasting more of my time than was necessary.

    I know my dancing is pretty bad but to be classed "acting suspicious" is terrible. ;)

    To be fair to the security guys they were nothing more than polite and were apologetic afterwards and I reckon it was probably just a case of mistaken identity but oh how I wished I had my warrant card on me at that moment. Even so it did leave me slightly annoyed.

  2. if you'd care to tell me how uncontrolled entry can be controlled to be just a micro-percentage of the attendees, then I'll happily concede that you have a fair point.

    As it's impossible to control uncontrolled entry then what you are in fact doing is endorsing the possible destruction of the festival.

  3. All very well, but completely ignoring the fact that there's no festival for anyone if such things continue.

    Freeloaders nearly f**ked over the festival before. If the same thing happens, it won't get a third chance to sort it out, it'll just be gone.... So be careful what you wish for. ;)

  4. i clearly said that i was drunk and didnt realise.

    and would have left straight away if they had asked. i know i was wrong, but my point is that it didnt justify such a heavy handed response.

  5. Apparently my friends and I were reported as "acting suspicious" or at least that's what the security guards (not Police I might add) who pounced on us when walking away from one of the dance tents demanding to search our bags said. They couldn't answer us when we asked in what way we were acting suspicious or who had reported us.

  6. It didn't seem that crowded to me. There were times when it was busy around certain stages but you could still wander off and find quiet areas to chill out in.

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