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Posts posted by weeburd

  1. I liked that Billy Connolly book too :blink:

    A good 'blokie' book I read quite a while ago is Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer, it's about the true story about a lad in America who decided to go off on his own hitchhiking in Alaska, but it's quite sad. What about an autobiography?

  2. have finished reading Billy by Pamela Stephenson, funny! then read Bravemouth straight after, i kept randomly laughing in the tea room at work while reading it. It would be one of those moments of deadly silence then i would be in stitches! :blink:;) (books where about Billy Connolly by the way!!) Have now started reading a book about Che Guevara (dont think i spelt that right!!)

    Its my brothers birthday soon and i was going to get a book for him, any blokey type books folk can recommend? :P

  3. I don't post much in this thread, but I love my books, I do :blink:

    Although I note that many people on here read fiction, but I am more of a non-fiction addict really. Currently reading a fascinating anthropological look at us - Watching The English, by Kate Fox. It goes into why we talk as we do and why we behave as we do (including things like what we do when someone tries to queue jump ;) )

    And as it's about us English, it is of course, obsessed with the C word......CLASS :P

  4. *lmao/nodding*

    his endings get me, some times they are sooo bad. And so bloody lengthy.

    Although, sometimes his books are outstanding and it really is worth sifting through the crap coz just one of his good ones is good enough to overshadow all the bad ones and most of the bad ones are still fab in the scheme of things.

    Cujo though, what was he thinking?!

  5. I gotta say though, I've had to study 1984 from many different perspectives. and still it's my favourite novel. In fact, I got something different out of it each time that made it a more exciting read.

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