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Posts posted by jonbob

  1. Sorry about this, but we mostly are floating in nothing. Think about the empty space inside an atom ... 99.9% is empty space, nothing. Everything is made of atoms. You and everything you see and touch is practically nothing.

    the "nothing" inside the atom still contain the various fields that hold everything in place, so its not technically "nothing"

    in terms of viewing subatomic particles as points, its still a good analogy though

  2. Your train prices are insane!

    Even now, you can get from Waverley to Birmingham New Street for £40 on June 22nd. Then its another tenner or so to get to Bristol Temple Meads. £14 for the shuttle bus and thats you at the festival.

    Then get a flight back for around £50 (easyjet, adding a tenner for luggage). Then you just need to get two buses from the festival to the airport (~£20)

    All in, less than £150.

    {EDIT for 'teh'}

  3. Until 1986, my Physics department was called "Natural Philosophy", reflecting the idea that science was born out of philosophy. Now the situation is reversed, any credible modern philosophy (outside the meaningless drivel that is postmodernism) is directly informed by scientific method, a good example being philosophy of language.

    I wouldn't say philosophy is redundant per se, rather it evolved into something far more useful, objective and accurate.

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