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Posts posted by SpookyAngel

  1. Do it you'll have an amazing time. We took our almost 3 year old & our 10 month old this time. Our eldest went in 2011 when he was 11 month old & loved it & he had also been in 2010 when I was 35 weeks pregnant. All 3 times was totally different but equally amazing.

    I can't comment on the camping as I have always camped near the pyramid stage but I hear family csmping fills up fast on the Wednesday.

    I found this time with having two at different ages one of us was with one child & the other with the other one when we were in the kidz field.

    The green fields were a source of fascination for both kids, there is the green kidz field where our eldest got to ride the ronky donk & climb all manor of things, the sacred space has the hidden water dragon & tree swings. Just all the items in there the coloured flags, the carved benches, etc. they both loved.

    I'd defo recomend taking kids x

  2. I have a couple of his pictures up on my wall at home both bought at Glastonbury. I have the Glastonbury pyramid one shown on the website that has the names of all the bands/ artists in & I also have a huge Beatles one that has pictures of all 4 members & the pictures of hits they have had. They are always a great fascination for people that visit & look ace. I have them framed in simple black frames with non reflective glass. The latter is quite important because with ordinary glass it was too reflective to see the picture well.

  3. I have a woven ellaroo wrap which is quite comfy but can get quite hot & takes abit of practice to use, different ways of wrapping/tying it. I've tried a mei tai, very comfy & easy to use. Both types of carriers can be worn on the front or back & the ellaroo wrap can be worn on hip. Its not really recomened that you wear babies facing out on the front, its awful for their hips & can cause hip displacia.

    We did glastonbury 2011 with a 11 month old & i cant really say any good way of getting around with kids. We had an all terrain pushchair & sling but both things have their down falls.

    We are taking an almost 3 yer old & a 10 month old this year & i'm still struggling with deciding what form of transport to move them about in!

  4. I've been in crowd crushes before & hate them, i find them very scary, infact i have never been back to V fest due to been stuck in a very scary crowd crush there.

    I've never been in a crowd crush at glasonbury untill now, this year has been the worst & it was all round the pryamid. Again as other people have said, it was that top route to the right hand side of the pryamid where the disabled vewing area is. A few times i have been caught in a crowed there during a set.

    its fine ME increasing the camping capacity every year but if your going to increase the camping capacity then the main viewing areas need to be increased too.

  5. Its great to hear good reviews of FMS. I'll be going to glasto 8 months pregnant & have to treak up there once i've camped to see the MW.

    Altho i havent been worried up to now about going to glasto, some of the mothering instincts are kinda creaping in abit. Its great to hear that people are well cared for & there are plenty of services.

    I've never had to go myself altho my friend did in (was it 2007 or 2008) after he pulled his ligaments in all that mud. Hopefully the only time i'll be visting them this year is to report my location :)

  6. I am another of the mad women who will be doing glasto 8 months pregnant, i'm due 31st July.

    I'm camping to. I'm looking forward to it, its defonatly going to be different this year to all the other years i have been. The advise i have been given so far is to buy a good blowup materess rather than a camp bed. I had been going to get the camp bed but i've been told that they are difficult to move on & unstable when you have a huge bump. I think i may get two single matteress instead of 1 double for me & the OH.

    I think i'm gona take a bucket for the tent this year for night time toilet trips, i doubt i will be able to "go" in a lenor bottle this year.

    I'm very much expecting to be doing alot of sitting in the same place than the various huge treaks across site this year. Its going to be such a different festival. I cant wait to bring my nearly 1 year old next year too.

  7. I'm still hoping to go this year & i will be 35 weeks pregnant the weekend of the festival. I've been going since 2004 so know the site quite well & i'm looking forward to it been a completly different & new experience.

    Although my dad will be comming, his mate & my cousins husband, to me this will be the last holiday me & my fiance will have as a twosome so i'm determined to make the most of it. We have always said that when we had kids we would not leave them at home like our mates do with their two. There is no reason to not take children to glastonbury, so like i said it will be our last one together & i want to make the most.

    We will be camping in a tent, we really cant afford the campervan tickets. I'm sure there must be someone who has camped at glasto pregnant. Does anyone have any hints & tips for this???

    I know i'm obvioulsy not going to be as mobile as normal & i'm quite prepaired to take things extreamly slow & avoid certain area's. I doubt i will be going up to shangrela at night this year. I went up at night last year & it was soo busy, i struggled to get in & out of the crowds & cant imagine doing this while 8 months gone.

    Anyways any hints, tips, things to do & avoid would be welcome.

  8. Your first ever festival?: Glastonbury 2004

    Best performance at any festival you've been to?: Paul McCartney @ glastonbury 2004.

    And the worst?: Oasis @ glastonbury 2004

    Discovered any bands through festivals? Which festivals did you discover them at?: hobo jones & the junk yard dogs @ glastonbury 2008

    Best festival you've been to?: Glastonbury 2004

    Which festival you've attended had the best line-up?: probably glasto 2004

    And lastly, realistically, what would be your dream day on a Main Stage at a festival?: Snowpatrol, Stereophonics, Arctic Monkeys, Kanye West, Red Hot Chillie Peppers, james, simon & garfunkle, David Bowie, Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr.

  9. we were parked in west 23, it took us nearly 5 hours to get out of the carpark. i'm unsure of what time we got up & packed up but i know we were at the car for around 10.30am. the stewards wernt doing anything, they were just sat around in chairs sunbathing it was rediculous. my heart sank when my dad who had been speaking to a lady infront of us said she had already been quing for 4 hours & hadnt moved.

    thats the first time we have had a bit of a lie in on a monday, normally we get up at stupid o'clock to get out. we wont be lying in again i know that.

    it took us anohter 4hours or more to get home to south yorkshire. i think we arrived back home about 8.30pm-9pm. the first think i did was get in my mums spa bath, it was absolute bliss!

  10. normally on the monday we get up early & get home mid afternoon. but after last year, the sunday night we were having a right good time & wanted to carry on drinking, we stayed up till the early hours but knew we had to go to bed so we could drive home. this year we decided that we would sleep in monday so we could finish the festi off in style sunday night.

    depending on what time we set off monday & reach south yorkshire, i will either be going straight home to doncaster, or if early enough, i will be going to my mums at sheffield & using her hottub bath :P

  11. most defo paul macartney in 2004, was my first glasto & the beatles are my most favourite band ever. i was in bliss listning to him but hay jude at the end was magical. i've never had anyone ever beat that moment at glasto ever. listning to hay jude now & i still get goose pimples & shivers down my spine.

  12. we have that same canister, we bought it in 2004 for glasto. my bro borrowed it for a 2 week camping holiday & we've done glasto 2005, 2007 & 2008 & now had it refilled once. we have a cooked breakfast every day, done a few boil in the bag type dinners during the day & we still have gass left. its probably got more in that you realise.

  13. i have combats, they are ok for some stuff but when you laden your pockets down with phone, camera, smoke tin, wallet etc they become a bit heavy & mine start falling down & agnoying me. for the past couple of years those bags you get with the paper there have been ace.

  14. after 2005 (& not taking any wellys that year) i decided i would never go without wellys again. i bought a pair of leather timberland wellys which are comphy like walking boots & waterproof like wellys. they are soo bloody comphy & i wore them all festi last year. i will be doing the same again this year :(

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