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Crystal Waters

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Posts posted by Crystal Waters

  1. @neato yes your explanation about the hold up on Thurs pm seems reasonable to me. We were very close to the accessible camping area and I can imagine the problems you would all have had being parked in the Deer Lodge car park as we struggled (some walking issues but not registered disabled). The mud won't have helped you at all either. Full marks to all of you camped in that area for coping with the conditions.

  2. Getting in at around 3pm on Thursday took forever. We weren't searched but they were stopping other cars so that probably slowed things down a bit. A marshal near Deer Lodge apologised for a very long (40min) wait inside the site which was, allegedly, due to one person throwing a major hissy fit about having to pay to park somewhere. 

    Toilets generally not too bad but I think those portaloos would have been dreadful in hot weather. A major lack of hand sanitizer but most people seemed to have their own. Could they use troughs with soap and water for hand washing I wonder? No amount of sanitizer was going to shift the crap from under my nails. Yuk.

    The ground held up reasonably well for the most part given the weather. In glad we went to Kendal and not Y Not?!

    The sound quality at the Main Stage didn't seem great to us. Sound leakage seemed to be an issue too from the Main Stage, Glow Tent, Calling Out, WKD area.

    This sounds like a long list of gripes but it's not meant to be. We had a great time at our first Kendal Calling and will be up for a repeat.



  3. The London African Gospel Choir in Woodlands was pretty special. 

    I know they are a bit "corny" but Colonel Mustard & the Dijon Five and The Lancashire Hotpots were good in the first slot of the day for shaking off the night before.

    I'm not a Stereophonics fan particularly but I did enjoy their set. I always enjoy listening to new stuff I've never heard of .... will be seeking out a young local (Sheffield) band called Redfaces for another listen. 

    One thing though .... a lack of female artists on the main stage I thought. 

  4. It was our first Kendal Calling (great time) and we booked a pre-erected bell tent at Deer Lodge because carting loads of stuff is difficult for us these days given my husband's walking difficulties. We did end up parked a fair way from our tent because the tent was furthest from the car park. If I did it again, I'd ask them to put us closer to the car park but we coped. The bell tent itself was great. No complaints at all. There weren't enough loos and showers though for the number camped there. The loos were ok-ish. Didn't try the showers as the queues were always massive - I'd have been disappointed if I booked Deer Lodge so I could wash my hair everyday but I can live with dry shampoo, a hat and a large pack of baby wipes for four days. There was one coffee and panini place which was pretty busy. I think that was partly due to the fact that rain stopped us and others using their camping stoves to put the kettle on in the mornings. They could probably do with more than one outlet though. 

    We were chatting to the people in the pod pads behind us who said they wouldn't ever pay for one of those again - there's just no room for muddy gear (well anything really). Pod pads are the same wherever so that's not a criticism of Kendal but they are tiny. Our tent was more because it came with a bed and bedding but I'd say the unfurnished bell tents are way better than the pod pads. We took a look at the fancy safari suites with their en suites - fantastic but so is the price. 

    As somebody has mentioned the noise/singing (very late) one night was pretty bad - it's a festival yes but I think we all expect some sleep in that type of camping field. I don't know who got them to STFU but hats off to them! Don't think it was security which seemed to be absent ..... 

    Overall, yes we'd do the bell tent again or, in the event of a lottery win, a safari tent but I think our first choice would be a camper van.

  5. Hi. It's our first time at Kendal Calling this year. We've got a pre-pitched tent at Deer Lodge because carting loads of stuff any distance is a problem for us. Can anybody give me an idea of how far the car parking will be from the pre-pitched tent area is please and will we be able to access the car during the weekend and bring stuff in bit by bit? If you see two old gits wandering around looking lost and pissed it'll probably be us! Also, when will the stage times be posted? 

  6. Hi everyone. Back to the forum now it's June and nearly time. Sorry to hear some of you are a bit poorly. Get it done now and be fighting fit in three weeks. I hope it warms up a bit (a lot) - central heating back on here tonight. Weather Gods must be saving us the best. Playing with clashfinder but won't end up with a full plan - feeling the need for lots of randomness this year. Soon ... oh soon x

  7. 3 minutes ago, musky said:


    And none of that would matter a damn if pointing the finger at a nebulous group of Baby Boomers didn't allow the real culprits off the hook. It's actually possible to name names of people who are making the lives of millions of people worse rather than damning a diverse group of people, many of whom have spent a life opposing the attacks we've seen. 

    I think this is a very important point. The people making life worse are making it worse for the young and the old, the sick, the disabled and generally anybody who isn't rich. 

  8. Well, here's one over 50 who will be voting to remain in the EU. Postal vote is sorted.  Whilst it's not a perfect set up, there's no way I'd vote to reduce the protection we get from the EU in relation to employment law etc. 

  9. 2 hours ago, mr gumby said:

    I like trees. 

    I don't know who Amey is, but I don't like the sound of her. 

    Tonight's cauliflower cheese is accompanied by The Boss. 


    Amey is the witch bitch from hell and you don't want to know her. Yog's sledgehammer sounds too good for Amey.

    i am temporarily cheered by a lovely lamb tagine and The Boss.

    night night 

  10. Hi everyone,

    Hoping everyone is OK? I have another lot of catching up to do as I've been a bit preoccupied campaigning to save trees. I did read something about Coldplay - please tell me this is unlikely and is an evil rumour? I won't be seeing them if they do and will be aiming to spend as much time NOT at the Pyramid as possible.

    I'm off out tonight for a meal - Moroccan - looking forward to that as it's a new  restaurant for me. A 21st tomorrow night. Will be dressed like Scott of the Antarctic for both as the weather gods have promised gales and snow here. They'd best be planning hot, hot, hot next June. Have a great weekend everyone.


  11. 6 minutes ago, Mardy said:


    But you know, fuck it, what you going to do? S'alright innit? Still here. You really can't let these things stop you doing anything. 


    The worry is yeah, it leads to more surveilance, more police state powers. That's what I'm more frightened of.



    Yes. This entirely. I'm old enough to have lived through the IRA bombings. If you stop doing things and going places then terrorists win. 

    I think Glastonbury, though high profile, is nothing like as easy a target as, say,  ... a bus in Sheffield, the train from Sheffield to Birmingham/London/Newcastle etc tomorrow, Meadowhall, a gig at The Leadmill ...... will I stop doing any of those things? Of course not.

    Will I feel a bit tense on the train tomorrow morning? In all honesty, I will. It isn't going to stop me though. 

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