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Posts posted by mj2004

  1. Glastonbury will almost always sell out because of it's reputation and the fact it's more than just big acts, you get more for your money with the amount of entertainment on offer.

    V/Reading and Leeds/TITP just don't have the same stuff on offer and for many of these smaller festivals that are less than £100 for 3 days they will get more custom as people want to move away from the big coperate machines and have a different experience.

    That said if you just want to sit (or stand as they don't like you sitting down at V) and watch lots of big names in one place well it's ideal sadly these names aren't matching up to what people expect from V now.

  2. I went to V after My first Glastonbury and I HATED it. Like others say it is a big gig in a park but you will get nothing like the same vibe as you do at Glastonbury. I actually ended up in tears on the Saturday night as I found it so hostile and people seemed so angry, I had abuse shouted at me so no reason and I had a huge argument with my Vfest loving boyfriend!

    So yes if you really want to see particular bands get a day ticket and stay in a b n b or something, from my experience you don't get the same friendliness. If you aren't bothered by bands and acts so much then look out for smaller festivals where you will get a very relaxed mood.

  3. Maybe it needs to be a recognised illness then and you should be able to get pills for it (not THOSE sort of pills! ;) )

    But yeah, there are other festivals hundreds of them... that'll fill a gap next year...

  4. When my husband goes away on "lads' weekends" I know what he gets up to cos he tells me and I don't mind, because some of the other guys get up to much much worse!

    I would be more pissed off if my husband shagged someone else than dropped a few pills, if I'm honest :rolleyes:

    Anyway what has going to (not not going to) Glastonbury got to do with it? surely one could drop pills/smoke dope/drink like a fish/other where-ever they go?

    And how childish of your so called "mate" who wasn't even there!

  5. I can't believe this! :lol: for years I had bring back the Phoenix festival under my avater, not cos I ever went cos I never got the chance to go :lol:

    I bought a ticket in 1998 and then it was pulled and I had to go to Reading :rolleyes:

    It didn't have a great start and wasn't very well recieved from what I remember but I knew people who went who said it was great so thats why I wanted to go. Don't think I would go now though, life is toooo different!

  6. Congratulations!!!

    Sounds exciting! :D

    have all your guests camp in the field, see if you can get a local band/s to play, do you have mates who play intsruments/sing and could do a slot at your wedding?

    lots of flags, fairy lights, glow sticks that glowing wire stuff.

    kegs of beer and cider and boxes of wine

    hogroast sounds lovely but maybe ask people to bring a bowl/tray of food

    Do the legal bit at a registry office then look into having a humanist wedding outdoors in the field (at present you can't get married outside in England or Wales)

    Just a few ideas from me, I love weddings and I think a festival vibe sounds fab!

  7. I have no problem with taking children to festivals at all, I am planning to take my daughter to Camp Bestival in fact. It's set up for families in mind so is a perfect introduction also the site small scale.

    I would not, however take her to Glastonbury, certainly not until she is a lot older but thats because I'm not an experienced Glasto-er like some people who have been going for years and years and are used to the site and everything and feel confident in taking their children. Also I think it is too big and overwhelimg for little ones but that is just based on my experience of Glastonbury so far. Also I found the mud in 2005 tough enough so tramping through it with a bump or a baby in a sling would be even tougher.

  8. Every festival forum I go on people moan about chairs! :rolleyes: I think it's more about being considerate, sitting well back from the front and respecting others space.

    Some people cannot stand for a long time, it may be due to a medical condition, age or pregnancy so those people can enjoy the experience just as much they may need a chair, whats the crime?

    Whereever you are on site you are bound to have someone standing or sitting in front of you, isn't that just what happens?

  9. Sorry to hear how rude those lads were to you, loving the picture of them being complete nobs!

    It does taint the weekend things like this though :( .

    When I went to V a load of lads started shouting at me and calling me a "fat slag" (I was a size 14 at the time) It really upset me and my hubby was really angry, they just laughed and shouted stuff like "Who wants to go out with a fat slag like that"

    I hated the festival anyway, that just made me decide I am never ever going back, never have I experience such w*nkerish behaviour at a festival before then.

  10. It does definitely depend on whereabouts you go and who you seen as to what sort of festival experience you have. There are mini festivals within a festival at Glastonbury! No one person will have the same experience because there is SO much going on and tbh I think you could just stay in one place the whole time and have a fab time :D

    Me, had I been there this year I would have spent most of the weekend in the Dance Village and probably only ventured out for Coldplay, hubby said he probably would have spent most of it at The Park but thats only based on what we heard on 6 music and watched on the TV and read on the app :ph34r: and our personal preferences.

    The year I went was the 2 months of rain in 2 hours, at first I wanted to go home because of how bad the weather was but we made the most of it and I hope I get the chance to go in 2013.

  11. Went to some cheapie shops today- QD, pound stretcher and poundland and found the following:

    Packs of 8 maxpax style coffee with milk and sugar in, hot chocolate, PG tips, soups, cappacinos for a £1, just add boling water.

    Packs of cooked rice and curry that just needs heating through from QD for 69p

    In Iceland they do capri sun- 10 for £1.25.

    Always find those cups of tea add up and that milk goes off within a few days!

  12. Yep, would totally be up for that. Was off my t*ts at Glastonbury and have only done one fest where I haven't dabbled :ph34r: now I'm a bit older and have a little one and hopefully have another one on the way next time will be a sober one. I want to remember more!

  13. We got some walking boots from Sports Direct, super sturdy and comfy. They are Karrimor ones and were reduced from about £80 to £20. They seem to have sales on stuff on the time in there.

  14. I personally wouldn't touch a pop up tent with a barge pole and would only go for something that is double skinned.

    If you are camping for 7 days OP then I would invest in getting either a 4 man tent to share or a two man tent each, you'll be much more comfortable.

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