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Posts posted by Danpollard2012


    35 minutes ago, shoptildrop said:

    2009 was a really bad year, some epic crowd crush too... i feared for my life after Radiohead, ended up climbing up some stacked fencing to stop being crushed

    Sunday night remember sitting in some abandoned chair watching several things go up in flames in the campsite, scary stuff!! :huh:

    I was there forthat on mushrooms, it was like a war zone! We sat and watched tents on fire, and gangs throwing anything (anything!) they could find at each other. We were scared to go to sleep! 

  2. I use a storz and bickle crafty which is amazing but charging it would be a nightmare, you get three goes on a full charge, which is plenty but its not practical for glasto. Dirty tobacco spliff holiday for me.

  3. Hi, 


    Also really glad youve decided to go, you wont regret it.

    Obviously everyones situation is different, but i wanted to throw in my story.

    My first wife split up with me on the Sunday before my first glasto in 2008. Predictably, i spent a few days feeling very sorry for myself, before setting off on the biggest blow out of my life on the wednesday. I embraced the festival in every way i could and looking back i cant believe what  a giant help it was. The people, the place, the energy was just amazing and just what i needed to start again. 

    Ive been lucky enough to go every year since then and things in my life have just got better and better, and i owe a huge chunk of it to glastonbury. It give you a chance to put everything in perspective

    Long live the festival, have a great time!

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