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Posts posted by Starchild771

  1. 1 minute ago, lazzareo said:

    First time I've not been in the last 4 years so trying to get a feel for what the weather has been like this year.  In 2013, 14 & 15 we've always had a bad day which has recovered quite well when the sun came out.  Has there been any sun this year and how bad has the weather been?

    From 13-15 despite the rain and mud I think we were mostly lucky because it stayed dry during the evenings/nights (if I remember correctly).We also didn't have to contend with the traffic-mud problems as the ground was relatively ok to begin with, and we got to put our tents up in the dry on the Wednesdays. 2016 doesn't seem to be as lucky but then it's hard to tell as I'm not there.

  2. I thought it came across really flat on the TV - both the band and the crowd. I imagine a sunny afternoon would have really helped the mood.

  3. 4 minutes ago, haznutuk said:

    The radar shows that the big band of rain has passed. There is a smaller band to come but it won't last long and shouldn't be heavy. The forcast is out of touch with reality.

    Yes, this seems to be true. Nearby Somerton has a completely different forecast with no further rain likely although some satellites show potential for light rain/drizzle throughout the evening.


  4. 2 minutes ago, liquuid_fusion said:

    Rain has just stopped. No more expected - but probably not much more drying of the ground at this stage. At least it won't be raining tomorrow!

    I hate to say it but the forecast from the Metoffice is showing potential for substantial rain this evening. Due to the conditions on site I think it may be worth considering how this may affect the car-parks for exiting because it looks like some people are already struggling.


  5. 3 hours ago, man next door said:

    For what it's worth, and I know  I won't make any friends with this comment but I thought underworld looked rubbish to me.

    its never gonna be great when a classic dance act press play on a laptop and sing over it.

    they may have been decent tunes back in the day, they might even be decent now to some people, but as a live act on an outdoor stage it just doesn't work for me. 

    I get what you're saying (haven't watched Underworld though), but I find that the atmosphere at certain stages can really add a lot to a performance. West Holts can sound great with dance acts with it's huge bassy speakers, light show and the general atmosphere of the crowd. Sometimes that stuff doesn't translate so well through the TV.

  6. 32 minutes ago, MattDavies__ said:

    Yeah I hate that too. Unfortunately it's what sells, though. 

    Newspapers would do well not to even mention the murderer on their front pages because 1) a lot of the time that attention is exactly what they're after 2) at this stage absolutely none of them actually know many of the facts (including what he said at the time, why he did it etc.) and 3) its actually sorta disrespectful to the deceased. 

    I made the exact same points in an essay when Alison Parker and Adam Ward were killed on TV last year. Front pages (in the US) were much the same as what we're seeing tomorrow morning. Takes away from the mourning, above all else. It struck me even more because journalists were doing it to 'one of their own'. 

    Its no coincidence that the papers with decent front pages tomorrow (the i and the Indy, if you'll count that) have (or had...) two of the lowest circulation numbers, unfortunately.

    Eloquently put. It's disheartening  to see the over-the-top and opportunistic headlines but I guess thats to be expected.

  7. 11 minutes ago, SwedgeAntilles said:

    I do the same. I read RT and Al Jazeera for balance. I'm a Scottish independence supporter so I'm aware of mainstream media bias, however there's a difference between being cynical and looking for things that aren't there.

    I hope you are right and I'm just being too cynical (which is entirely possible).

  8. 11 minutes ago, SwedgeAntilles said:

    It's 24 hour news, everything is quick and premature. You're looking for conspiracies that aren't there and I'm afraid it looks ghoulish. 

    I have the utmost respect for the woman's family and the suffering they will be going through, however, I will continue to question the world that's presented to me via the media or politicians. It's my nature -  I don't mean to offend anyone.

  9. Just now, SwedgeAntilles said:

    Out of upvotes, but you get the idea.

    It's looking like this bastard isn't just a Britain First sympathiser, but a 100% brutal right wing arsehole who's been into it for decades. Looks like a fucking McVeigh.

    If you read that article you posted you will note that the killer had “history of mental illness,”.Without knowing anything about the man or his mental illness I could not possibly judge the situation with any conviction.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Winslow Leach said:

    More witnesses claim he did than specifically deny that he did. 

    I don't know - it's all so quick and premature (especially those headlines) and the messages are so powerful.

  11. 1 minute ago, DeanoL said:

    He still killed a leading Remain campaigner a week before the referendum she was campaigning for. Mentally ill or not, linked with Britian First or any other organisation or not, the chances of it being a pure conincidence, wrong-place, wrong-time sort of thing is massively remote. Random street shootings are still blissfully rare in the UK.

    There's almost certainly a political motivation to this, regardless of what was or wasn't shouted.

    Yep, I agree but one man/terrorist should not be able to influence peoples democratic vote.

  12. 1 minute ago, Winslow Leach said:

    A man with links to far right organisations has murdered an elected lawmaker while allegedly shouting 'Britain first'. This is what the current toxic climate has led to, and if you believe that's propaganda then I'm afraid to tell you that you're feeding that climate. 

    He didn't shout "Britain first" according to all the witnesses though - that's what I'm talking about.

    I'm sorry, I know my opinion is controversial but I do like to question the powers that be sometimes and I think that's a good thing. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Winslow Leach said:

    What are you even trying to imply here? 

    I am anti-propaganda! Have a look at the news headlines - they speak for themselves.

    The EU referendum has been a farce.

    The debate should have been structured around intelligent and informative debate and one lone crazy man should not be able to influence peoples vote on such an important issue. We should not be fighting but making informed decisions together.

  14. ..and finally we have the white supremacy connection - please ask yourselves whether this is not very, very convenient?

    Utterly depressing. Do not support terrorism people and do not support propaganda. Have your democratic say.

  15. 3 hours ago, al_coholic said:

    I just don't understand where the murder today has come from, and why now. I cannot remember the last time a British MP was murdered, (excluding NI issues). Its just very strange and incredibly sad.

    Yep, even stranger is it's identical to the murder of the Swedish politician Anna Lindh in 2003 which resulted in their EU campaign being suspended and the following days the media concentrated the politicians death and the affect on her children & family, and supporting her legacy (ie her commitment to the EU)? I'm not at all comfortable with the timing and the speed with which everyone is trying to exploit the situation when surely no one knows the facts until it's properly investigated? Lot's of very powerful messages are being used in the media within minutes of this happening. 

    I keep swaying between remain and leave but I'm 100% against propaganda from either side.

  16. This is utterly horrible - my thoughts to the womans family.

    The Swedish suffered exactly the same tragedy when one of their female politicians was stabbed and murdered by a man with psychiatric problems 3 days before their EU referendum in 2003. It will be disgusting if anyone tries to capitalise on this death like they did with the Swedish campaign. 


    2003: Anna Lindh dies of stab injuries

  17. 12 hours ago, clarkete said:

    1.  Harold Wilson always intended that the trading union was just a first step

    2.  If you think that the PM you will anoint is not cosy to the bankers you missed his stint as mayor of London. 

    3.  Any systems we like can be put into place,  as long as we're happy for the economy and our international relations suffer for two to ten years in the meantime. 

    1. Harold Wilson may have intended the trading as a first step but I still feel that the EU as it currently stands is too big to serve all the countries that fall under it's umbrella fairly.

    2. I don't think that, and I am no fan of Boris or many of the Brexitiers - I am voting leave to leave to EU (see point 1) and of course other issues will need to be dealt with along the way.

    3. As I said we may need to take a step back to move forward and I am personally happy to do that - through-out history many people have had to suffer in the name of progress so I have no problem taking a hit if it mean the possibility of progress for future generations.

  18. I'm voting leave.

    I feel the EU is too unbalanced power-wise and has grown far beyond it's original remit of being a trading union into a big cumbersome system which is in many ways ineffective for many people. I have concerns about the power of our banking system and certain big businesses and their connection to the EU.

    I see no good reason why new systems cannot eventually be put into place - systems which also take into account the rest of the world and systems that ultimately can be more refined to suit all those involved. I believe in progress and evolution even if it means we need to take a backwards step to move forward.

  19. The  Bilderberg Conference shall be discussing Brexit, Trump and the precariat over the next three days. Do any of you have any opinions on the Bilderberg group,  the groups influence over Europe and the impact of globalisation with regards to big business and banking? It's one of the reasons I am considering to vote leave.



  20. Just now, pinkmolly226 said:

    I do love a calypso coffee, coffee with Tia Maria. Due to lack of space we can't bring camping stoves but still might bring Tia Maria and have one with my morning coffee to get me going in the morning xx

    Solid fuel stoves are tiny but maybe not the best things to be messing with if you've been partying hard. :D Great for hot drinks but I wouldn't want to cook with one. Ironically the hot-water bottle is the heavier and bigger than the stove. :)




  21. I'm happy - I don't have a ticket but the line-up gods have been good to me as there's only one band on the entire line-up that would have been a must see (Earth,Wind and Fire who I've seen before). I'm definitely not going to explore the line-up and find stuff to fall in love with like I usually do but I'm sure there's lot's of amazing stuff hidden in there.

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