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Posts posted by archivist

  1. CARIBOU - 40 (-5)
    DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE - 34 (-5)
    GOAT - 51
    HOT CHIP - 49
    JAMIE T - 14
    JAMIE XX - 45
    JON HOPKINS - 44
    RYAN ADAMS - 29
    SUEDE - 56

  2. the Beat were the only band that I saw every minute of their set at Glasto last year (I am a bit of a 20 minute then move on festival punter - especially at Glasto where there are so many stages!) - could not pull myself away they were so good ;)

  3. Pronghorn tweeted they are on at 3.

    Next up for us are these 3 crackers. Ropemakers 9pm kick off, Bearded Theory Main Stage 3pm and Country Fair at... /LFBukipEnU

    looking forward to Pronghorn .. in fact Saturday afternoon on main stage is superb

    .....& last year

    on Saturday the first act started at 12:00 on the main stage

    & on Sunday the beard world record was 11:30- 12:00 and then the first act started at 12:05

    thanks both - great sleuthing ;)

    I understand that the organisers have highlighted that the Clashfinder is inaccurate - but at least 50% of the stage times are now as stated by themselves or the bands (with the other bands slotting in).... so while of course it will not be spot on, it should be good enough to be fit for purpose ... i.e. identifying potential clashes ..... it is not the programme and is not intended to replace the programme (which I have pre-purchased!!)

    the only codicil is where they may switch the order around (e.g. Cara Dillon / Bill Smarme and whether Jemma Johnson is playing Saturday or Sunday) or where they may have unannounced guest acts slottng in..... but thats all part of festival fun :)

    Other than that - the main flaw will be set running times - that remains best guesses over whether an act has 30 minutes or 90 minutes! (notwithstanding the need to fit inbetween other acts that have publicly announced their timings plus the need to avoid overlong "dead time" while permitting minimum changearound times !!)

  4. Just updated clashfinder with the Big Top details as Gail has posted times on Facebook.

    RDF are on lots later than was first thought so keep them fingers crossed that Zion Train move a bit earlier!!

    Bearded Theory confirmed on Twitter back in mid April than NMA were closing the main stage, not Afro Celt.

    Hope this helps.

    thanks both :)

  5. Neck have announced for 1:30, Clashfinder Guru. & they'd better have more than a half hour slot!

    thanks - amended - stage must be opening earlier this year so adjusted slightly - also there is ambiguity over who is headlining Afro Celt or NMA, with pointers to the former -- so switched those around, along with a couple more switches in running order that i have gleaned, includign Chadwick/3DM and Dillon/Smarme

    Have also re-ordered the stages so that the main two appear first. I know the organisers like to stagger sets between main two stages so have shuffled a couple of the timings to hopefuly reflect accuracy.

    What is inaccurate at present is set times. I dont know if bands have been booked for (or requested) 30 mins, 45 mins or 60 mins so i have had to do best guess here - again based primarily on position in running order coupled with last years timings

  6. Oh yes... Definitely buy a programme regardless. I have pre-ordered mine... Which caused a little problem last year as they did not have their pre order collection process working and it took until late Friday afternoon to get one! .(I understand they have a more robust process planned this year).

    The Clashfinder is really to help people to check out acts in advance so that they can hone on what to see. Once you arrive at the festival and there are several acts you may not know 'clashing' in a 'gap ' it is too late to check them out and work out which one to see.. Or whether to give them all a miss!

    I have read that the times are inaccurate but unless they completely change the running order they should be a reasonable approximate... I think there might be one or two additions yet to come though which could throw things out(such as Mark Chadwick on the Thursday which I was unaware of) - a couple of the stage line-ups have one less act than last year for example.

  7. The Clashfinder for Bearded is just educated guesswork based on the line-up poster, last years stage and set timings, plus whatever can be gleaned from those who know a little (or a lot!).

    Last year there was not one and the programmes were not available to buy until Friday afternoon - which made it very hard to plan. While it is bound to be inaccurate in parts, the general gist of it should be okay .... plus it is open for public editing by anyone who may have a better insight than the author (not difficult!)

  8. With respect, do you have any evidence of this? There will still be plenty of security on site as there will be lots of equipment being transported throughout the following days. The fence will still be up so the only entry will be through the standard gates and I can't see them just opening the gates and allowing anyone who fancies it to come in.

  9. a lot of undesirables come on site in pick-ups and start nicking anything that moves - including tents that are clearly still occupied. .... just make sure you don't leave yours alone after 12:00 if you are hanging around. My mate was only 20 yards from his when a "gang" moved in - despite all his belongings, clothes etc. still being there/ When challenged they turned nasty saying it was "fair game". I understand that this is commonplace

  10. A message from DaveMac (the OP and original organiser of the "old Gits and Hags Meet") ....

    "Hi Everyone, sorry I have not been able to move things along regarding 'The Old Gits and Hags Meet' but unfortunately I have been banned from the efestivals site due to my involvement with Camp Xxxxxxxx.

    Anyway I hope someone else can pick up the mantle and run with it. There are enough people here showing interest and there is a huge potential for 'oldie themed' fun.

    There are a few weeks left to get something up and running. Just turn up and wear a Victor Meldrew or other 'oldie' mask at the Cider Bus late Thursday afternoon and have a great night whatever!

    You never know I may be in the vicinity and join in with you all ;)

    Have a great Glastonbury everyone - I certainly intend to do so!

    Very Best Wishes


    PS Thanks to the kind person posting this that I get chance to pass the information on. :) "

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