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Posts posted by vetinarugbian

  1. It's been so long since we've been to a festival that in the meantime my partner has become pregnant , with twins. Six months now. But shes come anyway like a hero. We're going to stick to the main stages mainly as there will be most space at the back but are there seats? the map seems to suggest there are. Are they easy to access/not VIP and available to normal people? 

    Have a great time at the festival people

  2. Its daunting to start listening to random tunes from bands I don't know on the off chance they will be playing at different time to the rest of them, dya know what i mean, I need a carrot to reward my research-loving some of the stuff but not so much others!

  3. So sorry to go wayy off topic and change the subject but ................................. is this happening this week??? Will there be times and stuff out too or will we have to wait till the 11th hour for that sort of stuff.

    Now sorry where were you?? Names shouldnt be changed, football teams, etc. (Change if you like, its kinda a free world on here im thunkin)

    Check out the riptide movement and go watch them when theyre playing - they used to busk on Grafton St. Dublin before they got bigger and they are incredible - best drummer Ive ever seen I think he put the bass drum over his head at one stage and just started smashing it for about 5 minutes. whats not to love about that

  4. Hey there,

    Does anybody have any suggestions in getting from Bideford in Devon to the Festival on the Thursday?

    Would love to know if anybody else is in the area and would like to share some petrol fare.

    Its for a friend and the public transport goes all over the world to get there even though its not far.


  5. So . Hows the planning going? Are we looking at Thursday midday sometime? Do you need more RoW people? Are there spot prizes for being the first to throw up?

  6. I never really write on these forums but kind of feel like this warrants a response.

    Ive been looking forward to going to Glastonbury for 15 years, finally getting tickets this year, so there's 7 of us going, of various music knowledge and love.

    Ive been looking at these forums, trying to predict what Ill be able to see and whats clashing. I cant wait for some of the big acts, cant wait for some of the small acts. Who the fuck cares if a band are big or small? This crap of oh you cant like them theyre on the main stage, is horse shit. People on these forums were saying that they werent going near the main stage before they even knew who would be playing - its the worst form of elitism and snobery.

    I know there will be tonnes of stages with many different things to explore and see - everybody will at some point or another - but what on earth is wrong with going to see the big acts? Some of the self proclaimed "veterans" on here, that list all the festivals theyve been to at the bottom, like it will give them credibility amongst the other forum users, will take huge offence to this Im sure. Really though - if it wasnt for the big acts, it would just be another small time festival that are litered all over the country.

    Ive also made a load of spelling mistake and gramatical errors here - Jesus, point them out if you like.

    Bad day, rant over. Im really looking forward to experiencing everything, all inclusive, the food, the atmosphere, that Harem Shake if its not "too organised", i think it would be hillarious regardless if it so 6 months ago, the Riptide Movement, the Rolling Stones and ................................... Mumford and Sons aaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh no! crime of the century singing along to a song thats no on at 4am on BBC6.

  7. Im more of a cigarette in one hand beer in the other kinda player but i can kick a ball. Sounds like great craic and would love to pitch in.

    Id be a Rest of Worlder of the potato eating drunkard variety next door to you guys so if your still in need of Paul McGrath type inspirational player I would be delighted to play.

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