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Posts posted by kaymh80

  1. I was stood next to someone who let one off during Coldplay. I was absolutely pissed as a fart and didn't feel a thing but my friend kept banging my head. Wondered what the hell was going on but it turns out the said flare was burning my hair!! Didn't cause any permanent damage and I certainly didn't feel a thing! Wouldn't bother me if I was near anyone in future with one. 

    Now ive had more damage caused by excessive drinking than flares...

  2. 8 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    what I was told for Green Day is that they'd play at the same time as Ed.

    If the Green Day info is kosher - I have no idea either way - then they can only do Sunday, which means I have Ed and Foos on the wrong days (which I've always made clear was a guess and not info).

    This makes things much easier then. It would be one hell of a clash if not! Lets just hope it is kosher now...

  3. We were so lucky, just at the bottom by the loos but the que is all the way up to the top of the hill near the purple car parks!

    We are down here too! My brother went along through with the first lot. They are by the ticket hate but cannot get in yet. I'm stuck with a sleeping child!

  4. Can anyone tell me if there will be fireworks and a burning effigy this year? If so where. I've missed out each time so far.

    If I'm correct in thinking, there used to be something at the stone circle. Will this still happen?

    Thanks in advance, and I'll see you down on the farm :-)

  5. What if (and let's face it we're all basing all our guesses on what ifs) the 3rd headliner is actually taking the place of Kanye who has secretly pulled out, and the announcement this week is going to include something pretty exciting

  6. I've seen this lots over the last few days. I'm quite astounded at the amount of people who missed it! When we booked in October it clearly stated that full payment was due in the first week of April. Reminder or no reminder I would still triple check this nearer the time and I would not forget. No way could I put my ticket at stake

  7. I imagine this is how a blind date feels.

    We've agreed to going beforehand without knowing what lies ahead.

    The Foo's/Kanye announcements are like 'selfies' we've been sent, but that's not good enough - we need more!

    We now know it's close and have now arrived at the restaurant .. All could be revealed at any moment ...

    This has to be the best analogy for Glastonbury ever! :-)

  8. I can still access it, can't check if it works as I've already paid my balance. But the site is still online.

    I was intrigued if it would work still because glastofest tweeted today that any unsold tickets would go straight back on sale. I've paid my balance too

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