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Posts posted by tommyds

  1. This is the problem with playing to backing tracks rather than a band. Your band can keep playing the intro until you start, but if you miss your cue on the prerecorded track you're fucked

  2. This is the test point now

    Ego wise, he's got to just keep playing on his own, because who could need anything more than the raw power of Kanye West. But in reality, he should bring out a special guest right about now if he doesn't want to start losing the crowd

  3. This Person doesn't seem to me have his own music, he uses other people's and raps offence words over the top. Very offence.

    The BBC did much warns, may contain offence words, and first offence word was there 2 seconds later

  4. If it came to it, I rather they scaled it down rather than moved it. I think it's become a victim of its own success lately, with the massive headliners and the ever increasing ticket numbers. I think when it comes the time, they should shrink the site, halve the number of tickets, book smaller acts and concentrate more on the eclectic cabaret stuff

  5. we should remember 1997 when Stevie Winwood and Neil Young (the Sunday headliner and sub respectively)


    I know the 90s were a different time, Glastonburily speaking, but in what world does Neil Young sub Steve Winwood?

  6. RE: the Park finishing early, they actually take the stage apart on the Sunday night, so possibly there is some logistical reason that particular stage has to come down before they can do the others

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