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Posts posted by SwedishHouseFurniture

  1. At first I was a bit annoyed when I saw the Bilbao line ups, but then I realised that I should stop being such a big baby and just enjoy it. Would love it it was Chemical Brothers. Reckon it will be the Stone Roses. Still holding out for LCD Soundsystem.

  2. Anyone travelling with EU Fest MUST READ...

    Just checked my email confirmation, clicked on map and the photo was updated due to policing the drop off and pick up point in Benicassim has changed. The message says this.

    "URGENT UPDATE - 13 JULY 2013

    Due to last minute changes enforced upon us by the police, we are not able to use our usual pick-up and drop-off point for our Benicassim airport transfers.

    Please note that ALL eufest tranfers to the festival will drop off at the festival campsite entrance.

    For return buses back to the various airports, ALL tranfers will depart from Benicassim Train Station.

    Please ignore any previous maps that you may have received.

    We apologise profusely for this last-minute change, but it is completely outside of our control and was only communicated to us on the afternoon of Saturday, 13 July. We hope you will not be too inconvenienced by this change.

    If you have any questions, please contact us on +44 7807 192396 or on +44 7891 518689"

  3. Few things make me angrier than websites that don't work. Therefore, im pretty miffed right about now:



    Think i'll be alright just rocking up on the monday (Tomorrow! WOW!) and booking a locker then?

    (Oh, I was trying to put in my address details and that was the only country available.)

  4. Going Monday to Monday and just got 350 euros, 50 a day. At first I was gonna take much less and use my card but I thought best not encase everyone is in the same position and all the cash machines etc run out of money

  5. The Who were meant o be making some announcement at some point today I think; maybe festival dates...

    (I have no idea where I heard this though. Plus I can't find anything on the Internet about it, which sort of leads me to believe that I made it up. We shall see though.)

  6. Hi, long time lurker first time poster!

    I'm guessing that due to he whole will it/ won't it this year the acts are coming out a bit later than last year. I see Sigur Rós are bringing out new stuff this year, along with Daft Punk. Think there's any chance?

    This is my first trip out to beni so I am looking forward to it. General consensus is to bring a gazebo. Is that really necessary? (We'll be staying in normal camping)

    To be honest I'm not really fussed who's playing, I'm sure I'll have a great time anyway as I've heard good things.

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