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Posts posted by HRER

  1. Its 100% wrong, and it really did get under my skin this morning when I heard they'd had the cheek to ask for £400 per ticket

    It doesnt bother me in the slightest if they get sacked, the only concern as ive said before is that a few close mates who ive gone to Glastonbury with for the best part of 10 years didnt get a ticket so they are considering buying them off these two.

  2. Seems a bit unfair on the folk who don't know these two girls and are having to take their chances with the rest of the folk who didn't get a ticket on T-Day.

    Me and my gf were amongst the lucky ones on T-Day, so it doesn't affect us. But if these two girls are doing this then chances are they aren't alone, and if there's a group of people selling tickets that should be going into the resale for £400 a go then I would have thought that those on here who are waiting on the resale would be pretty pissed off to hear that.

  3. Kasabian - They are already a huge band, played previously on numerous occasions and I have no doubt would accept any offer in a heartbeat to headline

    They fit the mould perfect, still could be viewed as a slightly risky choice because they are not at the level of say previous headliners such as Coldplay or U2, yet big enough to still be credible headliners

  4. Ive thought of reporting them, but a few friends are still considering getting tickets

    If I did report them, and those lads I know didnt get ticket in the resale, I'd rather not have it on my conscience it was down to me that they never got a ticket

  5. unlikely.

    Branson only has a minor stake in V Fest, it's mostly owned by two of the UK's biggest independent promoters (SJM, & Metropolis). Neither of those promoters are involved in Beardy's Stones doings as far as I'm aware.

    Good news then

    I went to V this year solely to see The Stone Roses (As I was on my Honeymoon when they played Heaton Park!), have to say it was dire. The Roses were superb but I was astounded at how empty the main stage was in comparison to other acts through out the weekend - the majority of the crowd opted for David Guetta instead - which says alot about the age of the crowd.

    Couldnt imagine the Rolling Stones playing that sort of festival, id be surprised if half the people there even knew who they where.

  6. Ive been a lurker on this forum for a while but something has come up which infuriated me that much ive signed up to vent my spleen

    Does anyone know what the deal is why See Tickets? The reason I ask is for the last couple of years 2 girls in my local area have been able to obtain tickets long after T day. Both work with (Indirectly im led to believe) SeeTickets – and have in the past charged £300 per ticket (Making £100 each ticket in the process)

    The tickets are 100% legit – all they need is your registration number and postcode. Last year they got a friend of mine one and I know a few others in my area they’ve got tickets for. Not a bad thing to fall back on you may say if you don’t get a ticket, and up until this year I was thinking the same.

    3 of my close friends never got a ticket this year so naturally we’ve been in contact with these two girls and now they are asking for £400 per ticket – clearly cashing in on the high demand knowing full well they can make a killing. Does anyone know what the deal is and how these type of people can rob genuine people of tickets.

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