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Posts posted by SmellyWellies

  1. Is it better to f5 than wait for the auto refresh? I'm not techy, but I've never done the f5 refresh, got through quite a few times though by just waiting.

    I'm trying to decide what method to use this October!

  2. I noticed this happening a lot this year, more so than in previous years. There should be more security stopping this from happening! I think people who love glastonbury and want to come back year after year will respect the farm and use the toilets provided knowing the threat of glastonbury losing their licence to hold the festival on the land, its those that dont care whether they come back next year who will piss on the land.


    My boyfriend also found several turds lying in the urinals! Maybe they just need more toilets...


    People, love the farm! It wont be the same if they relocate! Ive been 4 times now and i still get lost! I dont want them moving it all around and confusing me again!

  3. I made a glorious return to Yam the Cassava...three times. Alas I have no photos nor many other places to review.

    I had meant to go there all weekend, finally made it for lunch on Sunday, and then for Dinner. Wow, I wish I had gone Wed, Thurs, Friday and Saturday!


    I found the food generally more disappointing this year and noticed a few old faves had disappeared. 

  4. Do lots of people go on Tuesday night to have a bit of a party in the car park? I know some friends who are going down Tuesday night but were planning on sleeping in the car after a few drinks and heading in when the gates open at 8. Is this just a bad idea? Will there be big queues at this time. I have never been so early before and never experienced queueing to get in, maybe i have always been lucky...

  5. Don't panic :) You'll get a red card through your door saying they've tried to deliver and which Post Office you can collect them from. Royal Mail hold the post for 21 days (I think) and the Post Office depots are open on Saturday mornings.

    Ah ok great thanks, i think thats probably my safest bet!

  6. I thought you couldn't change your delivery address?

    You can if you contact see tickets I sent them a message and they just asked me for the alternative address, but Im not sure whether it is just safer to have them delivered to my home even though no one will be there to sign for them. As long as they havent been despatched you are able to change the address

  7. Im currently having my tickets delivered to my home, only thing is no one is at home during the week. My tickets havent been despatched yet, so im still able to change the delivery address, do you think it would be better for me to have them delivered to my work? I work for a big comapny and just worried they will end up going AWOL. I dont know what to do!!

  8. Totally this.

    Luckily got our tickets in October but this thread makes me realise again that if you are patient, lucky and dedicate the time there is a good chance you will get tickets

    So true! Congratulations to everyone who managed to get a ticket in todays not so secret secret resale!

  9. Just north of Yeoman's Bridge on the left is Yam The Cassava. Shonky looking food outlet with a ramshackle tarp/tent structure where you can sit down to eat.

    IMO the best food on site by a long chalk. Creole food (good variety...meat/fish/veggy) served on a real plate with real knives and forks. Absolutely delicious. Got best something or other award about four or five years ago by GFL. We we eating when it was presented to them.

    Additional entertainment from observing the ancient totally laid back,red eyed boss being constantly berated by his kids who run around keeping everything together.

    Foodwise, one or the best kept secrets on site.

    I totally forgot what this place was called but I went there last year and the food was incredible! The portions are huge, but I remember it being quite expensive. It was worth it though. I would rather pay a little extra for something delicious than still be massively overcharged for a disappointing burger and cold soggy chips! I will for sure be returning here this year. I am taking a friend this year (hes a glasto virgin) who has been dieting for the past year and has lost a significant amount of weight, however he has agreed to sod the diet for 5 days and enjoy the abundance of amazing food on offer at glasto! This place will be one of our first stops for a good feed!! V. excited

  10. you aren't allowed trolleys on the coach. When I got the coach down in 2013 the driver took all the trolleys out and dumped them on the floor and left them there! there is barely any room for everyones bags/tents/sleeping bags, trolleys just take up too much space and it isn't fair on others who then might not be able to fit their bags in the hold.

  11. Thats so cute, I wish I could have been there to see that!! I have never really thought about proposals at glasto, but think its such a good idea, especially if glastonbury is a special place to your girlfriend

  12. Anyone got any idea how much rain fell during Friday's deluge? A few forecasts mentioned there would be 10mm of rain during the afternoon, for future reference I would like to know what it actually was! I'm guessing it was a lot more, cant seem to find any info online tho

    No idea but when we arrived back at our tent early saturday morning the whole thing had collapsed from the amount of rain and we had to sleep in wet sleeping bags for the entire weekend!

  13. This happened to me before, I didnt get an email for a few days and the money was still in my account. I was worried but I had my confirmation number. Anyway after about 2 days they did email me to confirm. Its probably just because of the amount of tickets sold on Sunday, there is a lot of administration to get through to confirm to everyone.

  14. Especially good versus £2.50 for a 500ml bottle at most places. I have a feeling I stumbled upon a shop up near the Park at one point - can anyone confirm/deny?

    Or you can go to an ice cream van for a coke/lemonade if thats your mixer and they are all over the place

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