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Posts posted by kinks&bash

  1. Hi, may already have been spoke about but cant find anything..... if we bring litre bottles of spirits in glass bottle when we go through security and they get us to decant do they provide bottles?? or is it best to put it in plastic bottles before we go!? also what if we mix them up ready will they mind this?

    thanks :) x

  2. Hey guys!

    As you are all probably aware we are now in the 10 day count down! Waahoooo! :D

    Myself (bash) and the person I am going to creamfields with (kinks) are both girls going by ourselves for the first time so would love to join the efest group camps not only for security reasons but also to mingle and meet some new people and crack open a beer with! Is there any more info on what campsite we are meeting in?

    We are driving up from Brighton in the early hours of Friday morning both our first time to any festival so SUPER excited and completely unaware of what to expect so just going by advice from forums etc.

    One question for regular creamie goers - how easy is it to sneak alcohol into the arena as we don't really fancie queuing for however long and spending £5 a drink!? So if anyone has any tips on that, that would be fab :D xx

  3. HI, I am going with my cousin and its our first time so we are defo looking for peoples to meet up with. we'd like to camp near people we have met up with too if anyone is interested.

    We are doing the 3 day camp and are leaving at 5 in the morning allowing 7 hours to get there lol bit extreme i know but never driven longer than a hr and only been driving 4 months :)

    we are so excited now not long to go!!

    does any one know the facebook page?

  4. WOW so many replies thanks guys!!

    Getting so excited now :) so are there any details of people meeting up yet?

    Our tickets are here now but still don't know any more about if we get to pick the camping area on arrival or if you are allocated one!? If you get to pick does anyone recommend an area that's not to far from car park or main field.

    Not to worried about the drive now. just iv only been driving for 4 months and only done a hour and 20 min drive max. We are allowing 7 hours haha just in case!!

    We have our lists at the ready and are arming ourselves with credit cards today to get all we need. plenty of wipes and deodorant i think :spruceup:

    We are keeping our fingers crossed for the good weather really wouldn't like to be wet all weekend :sungum:

    much love kinks&bash xx

  5. Yeah we were thinking that also, we both have expensive phones so just gonna get a ceap ten pound one from asda to take if we need it. Also gonna leave keys at home the only thing were worried about is the car key!! We won't be bringing iPods or anything that we aren't prepared to lose :D

    I think the thing we are mostly worried about is the drive up there as we live on the south coast so it's far to go but we should be okay :) xxx

  6. We never thought of anything like Vit-c's but that's actually a really good idea! We mentioned paracetamol etc but berroca etc would probably be a god send so thanks for the advice!

    We did also think about ear plugs and wet wipes but bin liners hadn't crossed our mind! Brilliant idea as they are so lightweight and saves bringing ten different items such as chairs etc. thank you so much for the advice. And yeah, the Saving has begun! :D

  7. Thanks for the advice 5tebieB, :)

    Spartan, that sounds like a good idea! :) we would happily meet up with people and it would be nice to have a few extra people around as you said, for a bit of banter and extra safety. Maybe exchange mobile numbers nearer the time?

    And as far as food I think we're aiming to bring snack type foods such as Pringles, cereal bars etc and maybe a few pre-made sandwiches :) xx

  8. Thank you for reply even though you don't camp!

    Ill keep an eye on the site and on here thanks.

    were going to padlock ourselves in lol but will use the padlocks for our bags for while we are out :)

    I cant believe we cant go back to the car lol were going to struggle big time carrying everything in lol! oh well needs must :D

    we will prob take a cooler bag/box to at least keep some drinks on but yes seems to make more sense to take snacks and I'm sure we can stretch our budget to one meal a day :)

    With the drinks are they ok with it being mixed up ready in a plastic bottle?

    thank you again :)

  9. Thanks Delboy71 :)

    We sure are aiming to have a bloody fantastic time, but as 2 ladies on our own are hoping to befriend some peoples before had just to make us feel more at ease.

    just a few Q's atm but I'm sure more will pop into our heads along the way!!

    How do you find out what colour area you will be camping in or do you just get first come first serve?

    What do you make to padlocks on tents?

    Once we have parked the car and set up our camp area can we go back to the car at any point?(or is it to far if you can)

    what do you recommend doing for food as we have heard its mega expensive!! We where thinking taking some sarnies in a cool box and hope they dont go to soggy lol!! or hvaing a disposible BBQ if that's allowed!

    sorry to bombard.xx

  10. Thanks Davidenn.

    Does the spirits have to be transferred into a plastic container or kept in the original bottle?

    Nothing wrong with going by your self although I don't think Id be brave enough! but I'm sure you'll meet loads of people. Are you going for the 3 day camp? We are looking to met some peeps as its always good to have a friendly face around :)

  11. Hi all thought we would make an account and get in on the mingling :biggrin:

    We are 2 gals on our first festival experience together. We are so freaking excited :music: but a little anxious of what to expect and how to do it LOL! We are going for the 3 day camp.

    Our plans are to drive their and get their well early so we have plenty of time to get sorted as we hear its a bit of a trek to and from the camp-site its self.

    If any of you lovely people have any advise and tips they will be very welcome no mater how small.

    much love kinks & Bash :D

    PS Just one question can someone please clarify how much booze we can take in and in what form? thanks :victory:

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