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Posts posted by SammyNHunter

  1. It seems a lot of people don't go for the music, they just go to fight and ruin everyone's weekend.

    Too many dickheads bowling it around thinking they're a bit of a lad. Some of the girls were just as bad as the guys. Nothing happend to me or my group but I saw and heard enough.

    Seriously, some people need to learn to handle their drink and drugs.

    I think I might go to Reading or Glastonbury next year

  2. Gel insoles - make the cheapest welly so much more comfy

    Long socks you can turn over your welly tops - not pretty but stops the rucking and keeps your wellies from rubbing

    Borrow an old pair that have been given a batterinf or Wear them in a bit - welly footie is good esp when a weeee bit drunky....

  3. Arena bogs as soon as they open

    Other than that wear shorts so you can them right off rather than drag trousers in the piss. Wellies are good too, so you aint got to worry about what your treading in. There is an art in removing shorts over mudy wellies in a confined space. Try it at home in your downstairs bog. A nice pre-festie warm up game.

    Plan your poos, try to avoid getting caught short. Impromptu poos are usually the worst!

    Think before you eat. The sh!ts have ruined a few days over the years

  4. Hope you enjoy. My tips :

    - go with mates you trust - made a bad mistake on my second go - ended up on my own as they f'ked off and left me When I got ill

    - don't overestimate your appetite/stamna for partying - camp somewhere quieter first time, give yourself a chance to find your level. Some of us ned sleep more rhan others

    - give yourself a few days of plain-ish food beforehand. I once had the sh!ts on the way, not much fun despite my mates ceaseless laughter as I trvelled bog class

    - take a waterproof jacket

    - tale penty of socks

    - take wellies - i resisted at first but had a revelation one year - dry feet are not to be sniffed at, wet feet will knock you out - try to wear your wellies in a bit beforehand - welly football is good, it will make them more comy plus add gel insoles

    - most of all relax and enjoy - there no rules about what you must see or do

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