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Posts posted by jordi

  1. Hey Mr Shankly, these were my thoughts exactly (after last year's amazing Radiohead+Cure+Roses).

    However, a side note. Lisbon's other big festival, Superbock Superrock, is being held this year exactly the next weekend after Optimus Alive. It's lineup is usually good to great (2 yrz ago they had Arctic+Strokes+Arcade+Portishead!), and so far the 2 first names for this year are QOTSA and, guess what, Arctic Monkeys :)

    Really thinking now of having both festivals, with 3-4 days of Lisbon, sun and sand inbetween. Just a thought.

    Green Day, Alt-J & Of Monsters & Men... I like the latter two, however I'm afraid Green Day have put me right off & can't help but think the announcement is a bit of a let down.

    KOL + Green Day= me going somewhere else this year. Shame, as I loved Optimus so much last year.

  2. and what a great festival it was :) all 3 headliners on top form, every night was a one to remember. and all the rest - a bonus (Antlers, Maccabees, Tricky?!, and so many more). Lisbon is a sleepy charming city, beach was clear, people's vibe friendly. the only downside of OA is its being too clean, i.e nothing more than beer around. guess it's a huge upside as well.

    Hope you've enjoyed it, tks to all who contributed here. see ya and have fun :)

  3. The Antlers are back :) was answered by OA it was indeed a technical mistake by their web designer. All good, now let's speculate about PortisHead/ RadioHead combo, would be a dream comes true.

    It is slightly odd that the Antlers just seem to have disappeared from the line up without anything being said, it may just be an error by the admin.

    Also, I suspect it's very unlikely, but Lauryn Hill would be a great addition to the Saturday second stage alongside Tricky.

  4. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1143&bih=681&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=apolo+club+barcelona&fb=1&hq=apolo+club&hnear=0x12a4987126ed28f5:0x400fae021a40330,Barcelona,+Spain&cid=0,0,18327565237351461798&ei=2SGBT8O7IZH14QSX_oCIBw&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&ved=0CBIQ_BI

    Can anyone tell me were the Apolo venue is located? as struggling to find this, as found a nightclub in El Ravel area but not listing anything on the dates highlighted on website.

    appreciate any help on this one as 1st time going to this festie :0)

  5. Hi all,

    Am I correct guessing, we can expect some more artists already announced for the neighbouring festivals (Beni and Bilbao), i.e. Garbage, Bloc Party, ATDI etc.?

    And on the contrary - those who were announced for Optimus Primavera (Porto), and Super Bock Super Rock (5-7 Jul, Portugal) are out of the question here?


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