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Kingdom of Fife

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Status Updates posted by Kingdom of Fife

  1. 'worlds funniest pets' with the American VoiceOver is not funny. Why is there laughter? Im pretty sure this is dubbed laughter. #

  2. @AndrewRC18 2006 mate. Waited an hour for him outside in the pissing rain then jumped in the bin. https://t.co/8JfAQRphxm

  3. @CelticEH Do you have any more photos mate? What a day! HH

  4. @CelticFCTickets Cheers.

  5. @jraffertycsc Any spaces on the bus tomorrow mate?

  6. @markeymark1888 Mark, do you have a link for Mac or Ipad? HH

  7. All aboard? Ahhhhhoy there me matey. ######/dx7ALbE

  8. Baby is just too full today. ######/1QSjLpU

  9. Baby Louie enjoying the sun shiiiiiiiiiiine @stace2908 /FwJ0b9V

  10. Can someone give me the presenting job for 'man vs food' UK addition please?

  11. Getting my hair 'did' at ######/uAFo5do after work tonight. Any doo's that are bang on trend at the moment? #crimper

  12. I'm Lewis Stevenson. Your Lewis Stevenson. We are all Lewis Stevenson. 19th May. 115 years of wait! #hibs

  13. I'm standing next to a stag doo with a 'bad taste shirts' theme. #toplads

  14. I've been listening a lot to this little scamper recently @JakeBugg

  15. Isle of SKYE? I've never been to skye? Someone has nicked my wallet and traveled to Skye and nicked the £40 that was inside. I hate Skye.

  16. Just posted a photo ######/t0huk8o

  17. King Rib Supper or Chicken Fried Rice with Curry Sauce?

  18. Let's try and get #shakesenora trending followers. RT if you love dancing to #shakesenora in da club pon de dancefloor.

  19. Links market. ######/yVSKifj

  20. Ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhh Glasgow Celtic champions ohhhhh ohhhhhh

  21. P.S Haappy Birthday. Have you been out much on the bike? Mines gets serviced this weekend. #bikeadventures #giant #wowyourrealfastonyourbike

  22. Paul its John. Can you give me a phone please? What happened to Ringo? Cilla ain't happy. Woke up...got out of bed...

  23. RT @90sfootball: A brilliant picture of a young Henrik Larsson. https://t.co/qDhvzQfCvD

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