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Posts posted by xdliam

  1. Wasn't going this year because I was pretty disappointed with the new site last year but I've also taken advantage of this offer.

    Pretty shitty for those who already bought their tickets ages ago but hey they got me and friends back. Must be desperate and no wonder. But I don't think it'll attract any more trouble than usual. 

  2. Lol at the Scot Gov providing 'State Aid' to TITP. I get that it brings money in to the area and all but why would they need it? Why should taxpayers pay for a private event? Doesn't DF have millions? That 150k could have went to something more meaningful.

    I'm more disappointed to hear that it's staying at Strathallan. If the Gov are saying it was only a temporary location why are they saying it's not?

  3. c**ts who film people out their nuts are the ultimate worst c**ts. Those videos can do damage to people with employers and family seeing them.

    Yeah I've seen them pages on Facebook of people sharing photos and videos of others, some off their face and some who are just 'ugly' according to them. Absolutely awful.

    The idiots rolling about off their face/can't handle it can be annoying or funny in some cases but you've got to be a proper cnut to publicly shame them like that. Even worse half the time it's their own supposed 'mates'. I'd be horrified to find my face on one of them pages and once it's online it's there for life.

    Festivals are supposed to be judge free as you're all in the same boat. Too many people just care about getting likes and retweets these days.

  4. I liked the supermarket in the campsite village, was like a real mini supermarket and prices weren't as bad as if thought they'd be. 3 bananas for a £1, chocolate bars 70/80p, etc Cocktail Cocktail was good, wanted to check out Tennents Arms but couldn't because it was too much hassle (the hour walk from arena to campsite). Food was alright but definitely noticed a price increase.

    I never seen a bar queue once either. Another good thing is that going to through to the arena we weren't checked once (as there were 1000s at a time/every time and only 2 awful entrances) so you could bring drink through easily. Was also quite bad because it worked both ways, our neighbours had their girlfriend and friend staying in the campsite without camping tickets.

    Overall I had a great weekend but that was down to my friends, booze and like someone else said what we made of it. Would I go back and camp at Strathallan? I'm not so sure. If they change the layout, the actual site and go back to Balado or find somewhere even better I'd be buying a ticket as soon as I could.

  5. Holy crap what a pisstake. Was only allowed to camp in red when we got here this morning, Ok cool I get that but FS it's about 5 miles away from the arena. They basically only have one arena entrance and it's around 40-50 mins away with all the crowds (and there's hundreds entering and leaving at a time).

    Looks like no going back to your tent during the day, unless you've got about 1hr 30m spare. Aghhhhh

  6. Walked past Buchanan Bus Station on my way to work this morning. More people than ever falling for the fake lanyard scam, paying £10 for fake lanyards with last year's times on. When will people learn?!

    Never seen that before, does this happen every year? What twats. But can't believe people fall for that, only a tenner but what a shit way to start. Only buy from T!

  7. I don't care about the weather that much, in fact 2012 was one of my favourites and the weather played a funny part in that. Only thing I don't like about this weather is night time as it feels freezing.

    Anyway who cares. Just get drunk, cover up and wear waterproofs.

  8. I thought Florence was great. But I am a fan. Remember seeing her at T a few years back, thought she was great then and still do, she was drinking Buckfast and changed the lyrics to one of her songs to be about buckfast. She's off her nut and such a weirdo but I love it. It's like she's been sent from hell, in a good way.

    Anyway been watching Glastonbury all night, very jealous but it's putting me in the mood now. Hope to go next year but I guess T will be fun.

  9. Anyone else think the communication this year has been really poor? 3 weeks to go no map or stage splits.

    Yeah definitely, very annoying. You'd think with the new site and all they'd be giving us info well in advance. This is like going to a new festival for everyone

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