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Posts posted by alex6992

  1. Arctic Monkeys not on the list, I'd have thought there would be a big outside shot of them coming and playing Whatever People Say That I Am in full for its 10th anniversary. Certainly more likely than Rita Ora.

  2. Saw the end of his Strummerville set, me and some friends were running up screaming "FRANKKK" and that alone was a highlight for me, Other Stage set was great even though I was by myself, absolutely loved it, caught a bit of Leftfield too, would love to sit and have a beer with him!

  3. Thank you to my neighbour in South Park who gave me some uppers for free on Sunday afternoon when he was leaving which made my Sunday night the best night of the festival, you sir are a legend!

  4. Set of the weekend for me too, lifted me right out of a mood and got me excited for the rest of the night. Set was great, crowd was probably the best I saw all weekend, everyone was so into it, even back by the mixing tower.

  5. Did 35,000 steps on Thursday, phone conked out on Friday but I'm pretty sure I did my most steps on Sunday walking from John Peel to my tent in South Park 3 times as well as walking all around the site exploring. Hobbling around the house covered in blisters today, back to my bar job tomorrow

  6. Just a question about the coach packages so I figured I'd ask it here, when they go on sale on Wednesday, may seem like a silly question but do you just have to pay £50 and then pay the full amount including coach price in April or is it £50+Coach ticket price

    on Wednesday?

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