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Status Updates posted by tiffpietiff

  1. "It's only manly if there's blood" #UFC

  2. "It's you who's out, Gobby! Out of your mind!" This film is the Citizen Kane of movies.

  3. "Ivar the Boneless." GET HYPE #Vikings

  4. "My grandfather is dead. I'm like Batman, once removed."

  5. "Nana was on that yacht!" "Nana wasn't on that yacht, she's fine. She's been dead for six months."

  6. "New music for you - You Me At Six" noooooooope

  7. "Now come on, the French were on bloody good form that day, you've got to hand it to them." "Hand what to them?" "Normandy."

  8. "Odd... He's immune to our psionic attack." "Impossible! We're an ambitious young squad with everything to prove!"

  9. "Oh for fuck's sake, Krieger, you're about to do brain surgery."

  10. "Oh, you're in a band? Cool." "Yeah we're called Post War Years" lol

  11. "Order! Order! Do you kids wanna be like the real U.N., or do you just wanna squabble and waste time?"

  12. "Peace in our time" in Age of Ultron may be the most goddamn fucking badass line in any film. Ever. Holy shit.

  13. "PEACEBONE... PEACEBONE... Peace!"

  14. "Puffs of hot air, from the lips of a ghost and the shadow of a unicorn's dream." #Community

  15. "Rex, that is a sexy jaguar. I've never been turned on by a jaguar before. Dennis, your mule is shit. I am no longer turned on by mules."

  16. "Share" bag of Maltesers. 230g. Best served with gentle sobbing

  17. "So are all these people Netherlandish? What is the word for that? Hollandish...?" "...Dutch." "Oh." not my finest hour

  18. "Someone was looking for you." "No! We haven't done anything yet!"

  19. "Technically, we're all dying. Unless you choose the right Grail. It's the dusty one." #ParksAndRec

  20. "That's the problem with being middle-class. Anybody who really cares will abandon you for those who need it more."

  21. "The bad news is your old man just bought a condo in Flip City. The good news is that he's about to win the Civil War."

  22. "The LEGO Movie is the Citizen Kane of the 21st century" - all of the critics

  23. "This concept of humanity doesn't seem so clear to me" he said as he got involved in a vanilla as fuck teen romance. This series annoys me.

  24. "This opera is as lousy as it is brilliant." /7VEQmaflhk

  25. "We need a plan." "Could you be more dramatic?" "...We need a PLAAAN."

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